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目前,国内外对信息化教学设计的研究方兴未艾。At present, the study of IID is rising in domestic and foreign.

美国的判例法能为中国方兴未艾的绿色立法提供什么启示呢?Does US case-law have anything to teach China's green warriors?

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我国城市副中心建设方兴未艾。The construction of city subsidiary-centres in China is in the ascendant.

亚欧合作方兴未艾,任重道远。Asia-Europe cooperation has just started. There is still a long way ahead.

翻译研究在当代比较文学研究中正呈现方兴未艾之势。Translation study in the field of comparative literature is on the upswing.

可以这么说,现在的继电保护技术发展方兴未艾。In a word, the development of the relay protection technology ascends rapidly.

碳纤维水泥基复合材料的研究方兴未艾。The study of carbon fiber cement-based composites is in the ascendant nowadays.

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作为一种软计算方法,粗糙集理论的研究在当今各领域中方兴未艾。Regard as a new soft compute, the study of rough-sets theory is lift in the world.

自十八世纪中期始,欧洲启蒙运动方兴未艾。From mid-18th century onwards, the enlightenment of Europe has continued all along.

对人类的思维器官进行“灌输”的想法,当下正方兴未艾。The thought of "inculcating" with the human organs, the moment is in the ascendant.

IBM个人电脑和MS-DOS操作系统在办公室应用软件方面的发展还方兴未艾。Office-software application development for the IBM PC and MS-DOS was just beginning.

酒吧是杭州方兴未艾的夜生活的一部分,已经很有品位。The bar is part of Hangzhou's burgeoning nightlife scene, which is an acquired taste.

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另一的方兴未艾的毛巾趋势就是木纤维与绵的混纺。Another towel trend that is beginning to take hold is blends of wood fibers and cotton.

扶轮筚路蓝缕的日子才方兴未艾,今天等待我们去做的事跟过去一样多。The pioneering days of Rotary have just begun—There is as much to be done today as ever.

但研究人员和NGO说,中国人对象牙方兴未艾的兴趣正在扭转这些进步。But newfound interest in ivory from China is reversing those gains, researchers and NGOs say.

近年来,后殖民主义作为在学术界新兴的一门学科,方兴未艾。Post-colonialism study is a new and hot topic in academic field these years, which is promising.

拉索预应力钢结构是一种方兴未艾的结构形式,在我国的应用日益广泛。Pre-stressed steel structure is a new kind of structure, which is put into use more and more popularly.

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在新的世纪,方兴未艾的新科技革命加速了全球化的历史进程。In the new century, revolution in science and technology quickens the historical course of globalization.

但是在中国,奢侈品业方兴未艾,富人们比以往更有鉴别力。But in China, the luxury-goods business is booming, and the rich are becoming more discriminating than ever.

我国对他的作品的介绍与研究出现过两次高潮,至今方兴未艾。There have been two climaxes in the interpretation and research of Tanizaki, and now it is in the ascendant.