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第一个拿到天文学学位的人。First PhD in astronomy.

他对天文学稍有涉猎。He dipped into astronomy.

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她对天文学一知半解。She dabbles in astronomy.

天文学的前身是占星术。Astronomy inherits from astrology.

你懂天文学吗?Do you know anything about astronomy?

天文学是研究宇宙的科学。Astronomy is the study of the universe.

我在大学里选了一门天文学的课程。I took a course in astronomy at college.

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天文学学院第一个女研究生。First woman graduate student in astronomy.

物理学及天文学为同性质的科学。Physics and astronomy are cognate science.

天秤宫天文学中黄道上的第七宫。The seventh sign of the zodiac in astrology.

国际天文学联合会在行星的新定义中将轨道作为一项衡量标准。The new IAU planet definition mentions orbits.

数学和天文学是互相关联的科学。Mathematics and astronomy are cognate sciences.

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我攻读天文学,因为我喜欢看星星。I study astronomy because I like to look at stars.

钻研天文学等等。I'd be engaged in studying astronomy, what have you.

天文学的例子里,还有哪里可能出错呢What else could go wrong with the astronomy example?

它是从国家射电天文学观察台开发出来的。It comes from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory.

兰利阐述了什么是他所谓的新天文学。Langley described a science he called the new astronomy.

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天文学上就是借助儒略日来算的。This is done in astronomy, with the help of the julian day.

我攻读天文学,因为我喜欢看星星。Astronomy I study astronomy because I like to look at stars.

1976年和1977年人们对高能天文学的兴趣更为浓厚。Interest in high-energy astronomy deepened in 1976 and 1977.