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因为晕车症候,我曾购买治晕药丸。For carsickness, I took motion sickness pills.

我感觉到我肚子里有明显的消化不良症候。I feel within me the manifest prognostics of indigestion.

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这种形式的问题通常是更深层次问题的症候。This kind of issue is usually a symptom of a deeper problem.

这是造成小说在意蕴上分裂症候的深层原因。This was the deep-root cause that made this novel split in meaning.

并且欧洲也在经历着痛苦的经济停滞不前的症候。And the lingering symptoms of Euro-sclerosis were painfully evident.

思乡是一种具有明显症候的适应性障碍病。Homesickness is a distinct adjustment disorder with identifiable symptoms

分别记录治疗前与治疗后第7,14天的症候评分并评价疗效。The children's clinical symptoms were recorded at the 1,7,14 days of admission.

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还有其他一些更不明显的症候,可能是心血管病在作怪。But there are other less obvious signs that you could be experiencing a heart attack.

参与者也继续通过构建治疗理论的方式建立免疫系统来减少症候。Participants also continued to take immune systemmodulating therapies known to reduce symptoms.

阿尔都塞哲学中出彩的观点应该是源生于拉康的症候阅读法。The creative view of Louis Althusser's philosophy originates from Jacques Lacan's symptom reading.

作家理解醒目的理论,如症候学、认识论和新具体主义。A writer understands about things with alarming names, like semiotics, epistemology, neoconcretism.

她显示了犹太妇女在人身和社会关系上对男子的高度依赖性和附属性的症候。She brings out Jewish women'symptom, that is, their high personal and social bondage to Jewish men.

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同时观测生活能力、生活质量、中医症候疗效以及药物的安全性。At the same time, the ADL scale, the QLI scale, the efficacy of TCM symptom and the safety were observed.

危机只是更深刻的问题的表面症候,这些问题如果任其发展,就会变得越来越。Crises were symptoms of deeper problems which if allowed to fester would prove increasingly unmanageable.

同样,也影射出士子在扭曲的时代症候里的人格分裂与精神殊途。Equally, it also insinuated intellectuals'split character and different consciousness in distorted times.

很多狗汪汪大叫,可是都没有异常灾难即将来临的症候。Many dogs yapped and barked, but none appeared to exhibit extraordinary signs of pending natural disaster.

学校管理活动正处于时代性的“意义危机”之中,其典型症候就是“规训”。School administration faces the "significance crisis" of the times, whose typical symptom is "discipline".

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目的认识和强调早期新生儿紫绀型先天性心脏病的临床症候。Objective To analysis and recognize the manifestations of early neonates with cyanotic congenital heart diseases.

亚斯伯格症候,一般被认为是孤独症的轻微表现,首先在1944年由维也纳的小儿科医生汉斯.亚斯伯格确诊。Asperger's, considered a mild form of autism, was first identified in 1944 by Viennese pediatrician Hans Asperger.

概括那些没有致命或容易治愈的癌症,例如皮肤癌及癌前的症候。By including types of cancer that are not life-threatening and are easily curable , such as skin cancers and DCIS.