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小的那只装上两片沙袋。That fitted with a small sandbag 2.

居民堆沙袋加固海滩前沿。The residents sandbagged the beach front.

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在指定的线路上搬运沙袋。Carry the sandbag on the designated route.

他们在房屋周围垫上沙袋以抵御水灾。They sandbagged their homes to keep out floods.

但对一些市民来说,沙袋也失去了作用。But for some residents, even the sandbags have failed.

正当我试着恢复过来的时候,我又跌倒在一个沙袋上。As I was trying to recover from that, I tripped over a sandbag.

试试沙袋吧,沙袋对于改善体力增加耐力的帮助更大。Try sandbag training to build even more strength and endurance.

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一些社区建立起沙袋墙保护他们的家园。Some communities have built sand-bag walls to protect their homes.

当地居民和政府正在缝制他们寄予希望的沙袋。Residents and authorities had been pinning their hopes sandbagging.

完全战争的主题,沙袋包环绕室外的座位区。Completing the war motif, sandbags surround the outdoor seating area.

为了凸显战争主题,店外客座区周围都堆满了沙袋。Completing the war motif, sandbags surround the outdoor seating area.

市民和当局都将他们的希望寄托在沙袋上。Residents and authorities had been pinning their hopes on sandbagging.

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你艰难地抵抗着洪水,你的肩上背着沉重的沙袋,我看见你推开手挽手的战友的胳膊,自己却被卷入了洪流中。I see you push one comrade-in-arms aside. but you are pushed into the flood.

子弹撕开警卫塔下的沙袋,扬起串串沙尘。Bullets ripped into the sandbags of the guard tower, kicking up puffs of sand.

在路易斯安那州,人们已经用沙袋搭建起临时堤坝,来保护沿岸的岛屿。In Louisiana, temporary sand berms are being built to protect barrier islands.

伊力诺依的国民警卫队正在昆西地区用沙袋筑起堤坝。The Illinois Army National Guard is helping with sandbagging duties in Quincy.

我也可以把沙袋换成玩具,把枪支换成泰德熊。I could have put toys in place of the sandbags and teddy bears instead of guns.

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它是传统沙袋更新换代产品、不需吊挂具有缓冲性。It is a traditional sandbag replacement product, without hanging, with a buffer.

但是大雨接踵而至。政府的官员就呼吁更多的志愿者来搬沙袋。But more rain is following and officials are asking for extra volunteer sandbaggers.

看着那兔子玩偶和沙袋被运走了,崔元心里很开心。Look at the rabbit doll and sandbags were evacuated, cui yuan in the mind very happy.