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纹丝不动躺在松林中的敞篷车厢Not moving in the open car among the pines

在我前面,三只瞌睡虫纹丝不动。In front of me the three sleepers did not stir.

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我的翅膀疯狂地扑打着,圣杯却纹丝不动。My wings beat in a frenzy, but the Grail would not move.

整列士兵面向大桥,面无表情地凝视前方,纹丝不动。The company faced the bridge, staring stonily, motionless.

当他试图向后把车倒出时,却发现车已经完全卡在轨道里纹丝不动了。He tried to back up off the track but got completely stuck.

结果篱笆纹丝不动,它反把自己的犄角碰伤了。The fence remained intact but the ram injured its own horns.

我又拉又推用尽一切方法,但它却纹丝不动。I pulled and pushed and tried everything, but it didn't move.

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一丝风都没有,树枝纹丝不动。There wasn't a breath of wind – the branches were motionless.

Bellick抓住警卫室的门往外拉,但门根本纹丝不动。Bellick grabs the door to the guards’ room but it doesn’t budge.

吉姆站在屋里的门口边,纹丝不动地好像闻鸟狗。Jim stopped inside the door, as immovable as a dog smelling a bird.

汉娜起立听着宣读,挺挺身子,纹丝不动。Hanna listened standing up, straightbacked, and absolutely motionless.

军舰鸟在空中飞得高些了,又盘旋起来,双翅纹丝不动。The bird went higher in the air and circled again, his wings motionless.

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李武强忍身上的剧痛和心中的悲伤,纹丝不动。Li Wu body tolerate the pain and the hearts of sadness, absolutely still.

德伐日太太用灵巧的手织着毛线,眉头纹丝不动,什么也没看见。Madame Defarge knitted with nimble fingers and steady eyebrows, and saw nothing.

非凡的耐心与纹丝不动的静坐也许是个良好开端。Patience and the ability to sit silently without making a move are a good start.

他甚至去踢金块,但是金块仍然纹丝不动。He even tried kicking the huge lump of gold. But again it wouldn’t budge an inch!

最终结果是包在里面的人纹丝不动,看起来就像埃及的木乃伊一样。The end result is a person completely immobilized and looking like an Egyptian mummy.

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枪托的冲撞把那房子震得一片响,但是那扇门纹丝不动。The blows from the butt end of the gun made the house tremble, but did not shake the door.

琼西躺着,脸朝着窗口,被子底下的身体纹丝不动。Johnsy lay, scarcely making a ripple under the bedclothes, with her face toward the window.

夜晚,他在椅子上坐定,纹丝不动。只有向炉火中吐痰时才歪一下身子。And then at night see him fixed in his chair Motionless, except when he leans to gob in the fire.