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宣纸泼墨,画笔勾勒出轮廓。Rice paper Chinese ink, brush outline outline.

想象之大,世界都可以成为挥笔泼墨画布。This world is but a canvas to our imagination.

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你可曾用风之色彩泼墨挥毫?Can you paint with all the colors of the wind ?

大地青灰色浮现了山水泼墨。The earth caesious emerged landscape splash-ink.

想说的话你泼墨了墙角残缺的欲言。You have splashed ink the corner of a wall incomplete desire word.

它的质地变得如宣纸一般,宜于在上面泼墨作画,勾描,渲染。Its texture such as paper, for the above ink painting, write off, rendering.

徐渭的泼墨写意花鸟画,别开生面自成一家。Xu Wei's"freehand ink"painting techniques for the bird, spectacular dreams of.

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徐渭运用泼墨写意法,具有鲜明的主体性和个性化。Xu Wei's use of ink freehand method, with distinct and individual subjectivity.

您想在家人聚会的时候,兴致所在、挥毫泼墨一番吗?Would you like to show your calligraphy works for your own interest at a family gathering?

你可曾用风之色彩泼墨挥毫?Can you paint with all the colors of the wind ? Can you paint with all the colors of the wind ?

你泼墨了墙角残缺的欲言,于是就渲染出一个没有跌宕的夏天。You splashed fragmentary words in the corner with ink, and romanced out a summer without gurgitation.

他从美术教师的位置上退休已经有六年,而离他上一次自由自在的泼墨挥毫,则已经有四十年了。It had been six years since he retired as an art teacher, nearly forty since he last painted out of free will.

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这些深黑色的线条犹如墨线,所以称为泼墨珠。The dark lines that emerge look like ink lines, and for this reason these are referred to as ink pattern beads.

一身轻衣白衫流金鞍,一幅泼墨山水风景画,肤洁皎月,楚楚动人。A light jacket and white shirt gold saddle, a Pomo landscapes painted skin clean, bright moon, lovingly pathetic.

你泼墨了墙角残缺的欲言,于是就渲染出一个没有跌宕的夏天。You splash-ink the corner incomplete to talk, then apply colours to a drawing gives a no ups and downs of the summer.

后旅居海外,画风工写结合,重彩、水墨融为一体,尤其是泼墨与泼彩,开创了新的艺术风格。After living abroad, style, life and work to write, especially with the ink spilt choi, create splash-ink new artistic style.

同学们一边享受着夏天里的凉爽,一边感受着夏天泼墨似上午浓率。The classmates enjoy the summer simultaneously in of cool, feel the summer splash-ink simultaneously the thick rate of morning.

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张家界天门山古称云梦山,晴天微云淡抹,薄雾闲绕,雨天山水泼墨,云狂雾涛。Zhangjiajie Tianmenshan Mountain is dubbed as Yunmeng Mountain in the past. In fine days, it's covered by thin clouds and mist.

在,名媛赵欣喻爆料给媒体说章子怡之所以被泼墨是因为她与一名已婚富商有染。On January 1, socialite Zhao Xinyu revealed to the media that Zhang was being punished for her involvement with a married businessman.

暗格,做旧,工装,刺绣,甚至是泼墨涂鸦都在新品中得以大范围的运用。Concealed , doing old work clothes, embroidery, and even traditional Chinese ink graffiti in a wide range of new products to be in use.