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第三个选择是把香榧保存在研究中心。The third option is to preserve Torreya in research centers.

目前,专家们提出了三个方式去解决香榧数量下降。Experts are considering three ways to address the decline of Torreya.

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而被佛罗里达的微气候非常时候香榧的生长。Northern Florida's microclimate is very favorable to Torreya's growth.

分析了香榧紫色根腐病病原及其发生特点,提出配套防治方法。Based on analysis on pathogen and property of Helicobasidium compacum, control methods were proposed.

科学家计划在拥有最冷和最潮湿微气候的地区种植香榧。Scientists have been working to plant Torreya seeds in the coolest, dampest areas of the microclimate.

香榧系第三纪孑遗植物,为我国特有的珍贵经济树种。Torreya grandis Merrillii is tertiary relict plant, and is a precious economic species peculiar in China.

第二个选择是把香榧移植到完全不同的地区,该地区远离其原生的微气候。The second option is to move Torreya to an entirely different location, far from its Florida microclimate.

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香榧为我国特产名果,但其栽培区域至今仍局限在会稽山、天目山、黄山山区。Chinese torreya has only been cultivated in the regions such as Mt. Kuaiji, Mt. Tianmu and Yellow Mountain.

第一个选择是把香榧重新种植在它们已经茂盛生长数千年的原生长地。The first option is to reestablish Torreya in the same location in which it thrived for thousands of years.

测定了香榧和榧仁的外形尺寸、壳厚、壳与仁间隙、破坏载荷及变形等物理特性参数,并进行了分析。In this paper, the experimental results on physical property of Chinese torreya was introduced and analyzed.

常规的香榧资源调查方法存在工作量大、数据时效性差等不足。The conventional plant resource survey is time-consuming and cost-expensive, so it is difficult to update in time.

调查发现香榧优良品种细榧中存在多个不同来源的类型。The investigation from 2001 to 2006 showed that Xifei variety of the Torreya grandis maybe come from a few torreya trees.

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香榧是我国近年来发展最快、经济效益最好的经济林树种之一,优良无性系品种越来越多。In the recent years more and more improved breeds of Torreya grandis have been cultivated with the rapid productive development as one of trees with high economic benefit.

可以利用酚类化合物组分图谱,结合可溶性糖含量作为鉴别香榧雌、雄株性别差异的生化指标。Therefore, it suggests that the chromatographic component pattern, combined with the soluble sugar content, may be employed as the biochemical criteria for the sex identification of Chinese torreya.