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他决不会把自己的名声辱没到这般田地。He would never disgrace his name so far.

他的行为辱没了家门。His actions have soiled his family name.

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捏造的谣言辱没了家声。False rumors have soiled the family name.

他辱没了国王的预备。He was insulting to the king's provision.

最糟糕的是他受的辱没。Worst of all were the humiliation he suffered.

这名官员因受贿而辱没自己。The official demeaned himself by accepting the bribe.

你以为他会接受贿赂辱没自己吗?。Do you think he would demean himself by accepting a bribe?

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他在成为足球名将前受过许多辱没`。He was suffered many humiliation before he become a football star.

正是由于对父亲愿望的默许。她辱没了自己。Acquiescence in her father's wishes had been degradation to herself.

不可在民中辱没他的儿女,因为我是叫他成圣的耶和华。so he will not defile his offspring among his people. I am the Lord , who makes him holy.

父亲对他颇感失望,认定他只会一事无成,辱没家门。He was a disappointment to his father, who was sure that he would bring nothing but shame to himself and his family.

所以我要辱没圣所的首领,使雅各成为咒诅,使以色列成为辱骂。Therefore I have profaned the princes of the sanctuary, and have given Jacob to the curse, and Israel to reproaches.

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但是,热比汗的两位舅舅认为这是一件辱没家门的事,他们不希望把这个孩子生下来。But, Rabiehan's two maternal uncles think this will bring disgrace to the family. They don't want the baby to be born.

他并没辱没自己两届得分王的名声,当他手感好时,也只有科比才是个强大的对手。He is not too far removed from his two scoring championships, and when he catches fire, only Kobe Bryant is a more potent scorer.

从一开始他就让我明白代表曼联的意义,我现在也努力不辱没这身球衣。From an early age he showed me what it meant to represent United and how to apply myself, and that's always what I've tried to do.

第二天,约旦国王阿卜杜拉来会见我,他对和平充满了希望,决心不辱没他父亲的声名。The next day Jordan’s King Abdullah came to see me, full of hope for peace and determination to be a worthy successor to his father.

联合国的成立是向世界人民做出庄严承诺,要停止对人类尊严的此种辱没,要带领大家建设一个更加美好的未来。The founding of the United Nations was a solemn pledge to the world's people to end such assaults on human dignity, and lead the way to a better future.

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如果陛下认为臣妾未曾辱没这种荣誉,敢请陛下勿因一时好恶,听信谗言,断绝陛下对臣妾的恩宠。If then you found me worthy of such Honour, Good your Grace let not any light Fancy, or bad Counsel of mine enemies, withdraw your princely Favour from me.

正因为种族主义辱没了犯行者和受害者,假若我们真心诚意地要保护人的尊严,我们必须把斗争进行下去,直到取得胜利。The very fact that racism degrades both the perpetrator and the victim commands that, if we are true to our commitment to protect human dignity, we fight on until victory is achieved.

您为了我们的作业,把眼镜戴上了,一个字一个字地给我们批改作业,每一天眼睛都很痛,您却坚持着,国为您知道不能辱没了这崇高而圣洁的工作——教师。You to our homework, the glasses on the, a word a word to our homework, every day eye is very painful, you still insist on the, for you know not unworthy of the teacher, the noble and holy.