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午夜的凉意,侵人心田。At midnight, the heart.

一点一滴,滋润心田。Bit by bit, moisten heart.

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纯洁的心田贮满爱的琼浆。A heart whose love in innocent.

心田儿童之家致家长的一封信。Is Montessori right for your child?

但我知道泪水是从心田流出的。But I know the tear is from their heart.

而一个母亲心田的打算比它们都要很久。A mother's secret hope outlives them some.

这一刻,我们所有的心田流露着自豪!This moment, all our Xintian reveal pride!

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依然盘桓在它们惯住的心田。Still in my heart retain their wonted place.

站在我身旁的木棉,走入我心田的木棉。The ceiba beside me, the ceiba inside my heart.

您把阳光普洒在每个儿女的心田。You to sprinkle sunshine & Poor children in each heart.

踏遍心田的每一角,踩透心灵的每一寸,满是对您的敬意。Both my heart and soul are burst with my respect for you.

一直往下流,流入我的心田,滋润我心窝。Has been down stream, flows in my heart, nourish my heart.

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将种籽在滋养与大能的爱中种植在你的心田吧!Plant the seeds of your heart, in nurturing and powerful LOVE.

我只能咒骂,咒骂扰乱我们宁静心田的怪兽与狰狞。I only could curse on devil of excuse our hearts with peaceful.

她们外表很美丽,但是心田却非常丑陋邪恶。They were beautiful, with fair faces, but evil and dark hearts.

哲人哲语,犹如和风细雨,滋润心田!Sage-chul language, like a gentle and mild way, moisture Xintian!

1有时,一瞥即能把爱植入心田。Sometimes,the seed of love can be planted into heart by a glance.

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他切实其实有一副严肃的嘴脸,但心田却是很富诙谐感。Indeed he has a solemn f_ design- but he is very humorous planned.

变化为众多荒芜的心田注入了创造的液汁。Variety injects the fluid of creativity into the most hollow minds.

我是幼苗,您是雨露,滋润我干枯的心田。I am your seedlings, is the rain and dew, moisten my withered heart.