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现在我们甘心情愿地愿意为上帝而活,为上帝受苦。Now are we willing to be, to do, or to suffer as the LORD wills.

耶稣,神自己的儿子,甘心情愿地为人类付上了这样的代价。God's own son, Jesus, volunteered to pay this price for humanity.

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但是蒋介石自己决不会甘心情愿就此默默无闻。That oblivion, however, would not be a matter of Chiang's own choosing.

在这样的城市,应该有更强大的恶势力,我甘心情愿输给他们。This city deserves a better class of criminal, and I'm gonna give it to them.

在一场决斗中,和一场风险游戏中一样,双方都甘心情愿冒险。In a duel, as in a game of chance, both parties willingly agree to run a risk.

想你,是甜蜜和心痛,是甘心情愿的等待,只恨不能时时刻刻看见你!Think you are sweet and heart pain, are willingly to wait, only Hen Buneng always see you!

没有人喜欢万事皆通的人,想成功,你就要甘心情愿地向别人寻求帮助、反馈信息、建议等等,你自己不可能完成所有的事。To be successful you need to be willing ask for help, feedback, advice etc. you cannot do it alone.

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我也一直在期望,期望总有一开,某人能走进我的梦想,甘心情愿的把我这所有的糟糕来分享。I have been in expectation, expect one open, one can come into my dream, willingly and gladly gave me all this bad to share.

得到重生的人成圣之后,甘心情愿地把自己的主权交给耶稣基督,完全融合在上帝对其他人的旨意里。In sanctification the regenerated soul deliberately gives up his right to himself to Jesus Christ, and identifies himself entirely with God's interest in other men.

小布什治理国家的主要方法就是激起人们对外国敌人的恐惧、然后激发一部分国家主义者发动战争的强烈热情,最终甘心情愿为安全而放弃自由。Bush's main method of governance was to stir up fear of foreign enemies and instigate a kind of nationalist hysteria about the need for waging war and giving up liberty through security.

这些宇航员懂得这些危险,而且甘心情愿地面对这些危险,因为他们知道自己拥有远大而崇高的人生目标。正是因为他们的勇气,胆识和理想主义精神,我们会更加缅怀他们。These astronauts knew the dangers, and they faced them willingly, knowing they had a high and noble purpose in life. Because of their courage and daring and idealism, we will miss them all the more.