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实验共记录了87个中缝核单位。We recorded 87 units in NR altogether.

中缝正中核SERT标记强度未见显著降低。Median raphe nucleus did not show the decreased SERT labeling.

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中缝核单位激活可能在激光镇痛作用中起重要作用。The activation of NR units may play an important role ia laser analgesia.

我一把夺过报纸,在报纸的中缝,确实有这么一条启示,用蓝色的大字写着I snatched the paper in mid-wave. Sure enough, in big blue letters it said

测量每个实验步骤结束时腭中缝的宽度。The breadth of the rat palatal suture after each experiment phases was measured.

在牙弓的周长和腭中缝打开上略有差异。There were slight differences in arch perimeter and midpalatal suture separation.

单独用利多卡因阻断双侧红核或中缝大核对痛阈无影响。The pain threshold was not influenced by microinjection of lidocaine into NRM or RN.

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目的探讨中缝背核至内耳的传出神经通路。Objective To investigate the efferent pathway from the dorsal raphe nucleus to the inner ear.

中缝背核内有NOS阳性神经元向伏隔核投射。The projection of NOS positive neurons to nucleus accumbens can be found in dorsal raphe nucleus.

首次证明了大鼠中缝核群中SOM样神经元对咽肌前运动神经元的支配。This study provides the first evidence of raphe SOM innervation of the pharyngeal premotor neurons.

另外,背中缝核在9例中只有5例出现少量标记细胞。In addition, in 5 of the 9 cases, a few labeled neurons were observed in the nucleus raphe dorsalis.

腭中缝改建的过程是纤维修复和骨组织再生过程。The midpalatal sutural expansion is a process of bone tissue regeneration and fibrous tissue repair.

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把衬布粘合到两块半片的领里上。缉缝后中缝,修剪并熨平。Fuse the interfacing to both halves of the under collar, stitch the center back seam. Trim and press flat.

用尼氏染色法,对树鼩脑干中缝核的细胞构筑进行了研究。The cytoarchitecture of the raphe nuclei of the brain stem in the tree shrew was studied with Nissl's method.

与她的同事发现,实验用小鼠住在一起的时候,鼠脑中缝背核里的多巴胺神经元比较不活跃。Tye and her colleagues found that when mice were housed together, dopamine neurons in the DRN were relatively inactive.

本实验观察到鼠中缝正中核内存在含P物质样免疫反应神经元胞体。The present experiment showed that the SP-like immunoreactive perikarya is located in the median raphe nuclei of the rat.

结果与健康组比,PD人脑标本中缝背核、黑质以及纹状体的SERT标记信号呈不同程度降低。Results In comparison with healthy group, SERT decreased in dorsal raphe nucleus, substantia nigra and striatum in PD brains.

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当缝制缝片时,在手动输送面料过程中缝线可被容易地拉出,使达到简便无误的缝制操作。The easy thread pulling during the manual material feed enables convenient and trouble-free handling when sewing the workpiece.

我用我中缝核的血清素爱你,我用我丘脑深处的睾丸素受体爱你,我用我下丘脑流淌着的多巴胺爱你。I love thee with testosterone receptors deep in my hypothalamus. I love thee with dopamine that floods my primitive lizard brain.

另外,在中缝大核、旁巨细胞外侧核及前庭神经核也观察到双标神经元。Double labeled neurons were also observed in the raphe nucleus, the lateral paragigantocellular nucleus, and the vestibular nucleus.