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去年他私藏了许多珍贵的物品。Last year he accumulated many scarce items.

他们被发现私藏汽油弹而获罪。They were found guilty of possessing petrol bombs.

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随后,警方以非法私藏凶器为由逮捕了该男子。Police arrested the man for illegal possession of a weapon.

烟雾和镜面从来都是魔术师的必备私藏。Smoke and mirrors have long been the preserve of magicians.

你们公司有没有关于私藏枪支方面的政策?Does your company have a policy regarding concealed weapons?

原来,爸爸早猜透了我的心思,自己私藏了一盒。Originally, dad early psych out my mind, oneself conceals a box.

那是政府财产,任何私藏或倒卖行为均属违法。It's government property and illegal to keep it or try to sell it.

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我家的海信空调通风管附近私藏有窃听器。The Hisense air-conditioning has infinity transmitter near its draft flue.

当问及这男孩子时,他承认该答案是他从一本私藏的书里抄来的。When questioned, the boy admitted to cribbing the answer from a book he was hiding.

店员们后来确实找到些东西,而威尔森也就因为私藏兴奋剂而被捕。They did find something, and Wilson was arrested for possession of methamphetamines.

这是一件有关私藏大麻的案子,我们请求法官查禁证据。And this was a possession of marijuana case, we thought a motion to suppress evidence.

私藏于喇嘛庙中的武器被收缴了,叛乱阴谋的主要策划者被逮捕法办了。Arms caches were cleaned out of the main monasteries, and key conspirators were arrested.

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在封建社会朝庭不许民间私藏兵器,少林寺僧为了护法、护寺、护僧,就用烧火棍练就一身武艺。In feudal society, the government did not allow the common people to have iron or steel weapons.

“你要自己出城门了,”他们用生涩的声音说道,“门卫经常在马车出去的搜查,看我们有没有私藏东西出去。”Often the gatekeeper searches wagons as they leave, to make sure we are not smuggling something out.

作为总统候选人时他表示反对,但在这之后于2009,他在国家公园签署了一项关于同意私藏枪支的法律。He claimed to oppose it as a candidate, but then signed a law permitting it in national parks in 2009.

比如,丈夫每月给妻子40美元家用,她花掉了20美元,然后把剩下的20美元私藏起来。For instance, if he gives her 40 Dollars a month for household expenses, she spends 20 and hoards the remaining 20.

不过,我心里清楚,鲍先生眼中最引以为荣的私藏是特蕾莎修女在情人节那天送他的一块刻饰劳力士手表。The star’s proudest possession, I learned, is the engraved Rolex he was given for Valentine’s Day by Mother Teresa.

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拥有五盎司的大麻并不算违法,但超过这个量你就可能会因为私藏毒品而身败名裂。Possessing five ounces of marijuana is not illegal, but any more than that and you could get busted for drug possession.

纽约时代广场汽车爆炸未遂案的主要犯罪嫌疑人承认私藏武器和恐怖主义指控。The main suspect in an attempt to set off a car bomb in New York's Times Square has admitted weapons and terrorism charges.

是洛萨诺家族的私藏酒从家族酿造的第一桶葡萄酒开始,至今已有150多年的历史。"1853" is Lozano family Reserva wine. It has been 150 yea of history, from the family began to make the fit barrel of wine.