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是您品茶、休闲、商务应酬、洽淡的最佳场所。It will be your best hang-out.

品茶,逐一品赏各杯茶水。Sip the four cups of tea one by one.

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他品茶并将其分辨出来。Rachid tastes the tea and spits it out.

如必须做点杂事,且静品茶一杯。If you must do something else, have some tea.

他们有时议议政,有时品品茶。They sometimes take counsel and sometimes tea.

宋人造上品茶对采茶则要求极高。Song on the man-made tea for picking requires very high.

斗茶是古代品茶艺术的最高表现形式。Dou tea is the highest expression of ancient tea art form.

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品茶师正在考虑一种东方口味的茶。The tasters are coming up with a tea with an oriental flavour.

让品茶人品到第一手的产地茶农茶!Tea character so that the farmers first-hand the origin of tea!

品茶逐渐成为西湖的重要习俗而传衍至今。Tea drinking has gradually become an important custom of the West Lake.

成品茶外形条直微扁,汤色浅绿明亮。The shape of finished tea straight micro-flat, bright light green soup.

有时候我想和朋友一起去品茶,偶尔享受小资的生活。Sometimes I want to have cups of tea with friend as a petty bourgeoisie.

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现在我又对中国的茶艺所吸引,从品茶中品出人生的学问。Now I was attracted by China's tea, from tea in the products of life science.

和几棵果树。进屋后,我们坐在煤火前,用绘花的磁制茶具品茶。Inside, we sit before a coal fire and sip tea from a service in floral porcelain.

一天,品茶时,王洵身后突然出现一道红色闪电。One day, when drinking the tea, there is a red lightning appeared behind Wang Xun.

了解如何评估该如何免费茶品茶的视频茶的干杯。Learn how to evaluate a tea's briskness in this free tea video about how to taste tea.

看看是否可以每天都腾出一些时间来品茶,你的生活也将因此而改变。See if you can set aside one time each day to do this, and it will transform your day.

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他创造出了“共饮”这个词,遂在英国这个品茶爱好者的国度深得人心。And the nation of tea drinkers finally took into their hearts when he invented the hob-nob.

有尼日利亚人、加纳人、塞浦路斯人以及其他国家的朋友过来品茶喝咖啡吃午饭甚至只是纯粹地聊聊天。Nigerians, Ghanaians, Cypriots and many others came for tea, coffee, lunch or just for a chat.

茗羽茶楼是一家以品茶、论道和茶叶茶具销售为主的茶楼。The tea feather teahouse is one judges tea, discusses and the tea tea set sale teahouse primarily.