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风灾之中,我失去很多朋友和认识的人。I have lost many friends and people I know in Nargis.

防风林不仅可以保护土地和农作物免受风灾。Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind.

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这场风灾在吕宋岛,造成三十人丧生,十二人失踪。Typhoon Mindulle took 30 lives and left 12 missing in Luzon.

俄克拉荷马州有60人在风灾中受伤,5.8万户人家停电。Oklahoma, 60 people were injured in the storm, 58,000 people power.

旱灾、洪涝、雹灾、风灾、霜冻等气象灾害频繁。Drought, floods , hail, wind, frost, and other meteorological disasters.

红十字会是帮助人民渡过风灾的关键力量。The Red Cross is a vital part of helping people recover," Mr. Bush said.

风灾不只破坏了家族农地,也摧毁了他们所有的一切,包括房子。The cyclone not only destroyed the family farm, but everything they had, including the house.

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美国肯塔基州慈济志工,为上个月发生的风灾进行勘灾。Tzu Chi volunteers in the US state of Kentucky survey areas damaged by last month's tornadoes.

全球各地祈福和支助不断,而莫拉克风灾募款行动也持续进行。Across the globe, prayers and support surge, as fundraising events continue for Morakot victims.

很多人都跟他们一样,需要很长的时间才能够从风灾的创伤中复元。There are so many people like them who are taking a long time to recover from the trauma of Nargis.

解放前,湖南省娄底地区的自然灾害主要有旱灾、水灾和虫灾,还有雹灾、地震、风灾、冰冻等。Before 1949, there were mainly drought , flood , and insect plague in Loudi region , Hunan province.

霜冻、干旱、涝灾和风灾是造成玉米带产量年际波动的主要原因。Frost, drought, waterlogging and windstorm are the main factors which caused maize yield fluctuation.

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支持缅甸风灾灾民提供优质钻井取得乾净水的计划。Financially and spiritually supported the well drilling programs for the victims of the Mynamar Cyclone victims.

很多在海啸过后重建的房屋、学校及道路,都在这次风灾中再遭摧毁。Some of the homes, schools and roads that had been restored after that disaster were ruined again in the cyclone.

防风林不仅可以保护土地和农作物免受风灾。多余的树木还能砍下来用作木材或出售。Windbreaks not only protect land and crops from the wind. Surplus trees can be cut down and used or sold for wood.

救援行动仍在缅甸持续进行,就是希望帮助,受到耐吉思风灾影响的人民。As the relief effort continues in Myanmar, one aid organisation is hoping to help those affected by cyclone Nargis.

在菲律宾,有生病的志工,还有受了风灾肆虐的马利仅那市居民,一起募款。Heading over to the Philippines, even the sick and the disaster-stricken residents of Marikina City did their part.

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缅甸风灾已造成77,738人死亡,55.917人失踪,联合国呼吁更多人道主义援助。UN called for more humanitarian aid as Maynmar's cyclone Nargis has claimed 77,738 lives with 55.917 still missing.

试图帮助两百多万风灾幸存者的国际援助机构对失去美国海军提供的救灾物资表示遗憾。International agencies trying to help more than two million storm survivors regret the loss of the navy's resources.

菲国当局评估,森林滥垦滥伐,是造成这次风灾重大伤亡的主因。The Philippine authorities concluded that deforestation had contributed to the heavy losses inflicted by the typhoon.