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很明显,这个女人知道能从哪里买到物美价廉的东西!The woman knows where to get a deal!

这个白玉挂件真的是物美价廉。This white jade pendant is a good buy.

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你可以在那买到物美价廉的商品。You can buy high-quality goods at prices there.

不过,这意味着市场中还可以找到一些物美价廉的产品。Still, that means there are some bargains to be had.

这些好鞋如此便宜,可算是物美价廉。These good shoes are a real bargain at such a low price.

展览会上所陈列的商品物美价廉。On display was merchandise attractive in price and quality.

我公司有大量的地毯地垫出售,物美价廉,欢迎选购。I have a lot of carpet floor mats for sale, cheap, welcome to buy.

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你总能在洛杉矶的成衣交易区买到物美价廉的衣服。You can often find great bargains in Los Angeles's garment district.

打折的商品和“物美价廉”的物品是你家中杂物的主要来源。Discounts and "good buy" items are the primary candidates for clutter.

噻嗪类利尿剂尤其物美价廉。Thiazide diuretics are an especially affordable and often effective option.

你们将会重新得到专精,还有物美价廉的毁灭。We'll get you your Expertise back. We'll get you your cheap Devastates back.

它有点象大排档,但锅贴物美价廉。It looks like a greasy spoon but the potstickers are great and the price is cheap.

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香薰蜡烛真的物美价廉,是任何妈妈都喜爱的很实际的一件礼物。Scented Candles are a really affordable and practical gift that any mom will love.

使用它们在您的克罗克电锅,烘炉或火炉做物物美价廉的一餐吧。Use them in your crock-pot, oven or on the stove to create delicious meals for less.

是啊,很多人正是觉得逛吕家营最大的快感恰巧就是“物美价廉”。Indeed, the most enjoyment of shopping in Lvjiaying is "high quality and good price".

因为我方的产物物美价廉,以是对贵方能接管我方蒲月4日的报盘,我方颇有决议信念。Since the market is advancing rapidly the price we offered you is the best I believe.

批发各系列硒鼓芯片,物美价廉。Wholesales each series selenium drum chip, excellent in quality and reasonable in price.

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公司享受着提供物美价廉产品带来的荣誉。It enjoys a reputation for supplying the best quality merchandize at the most suitable prices.

对热火球迷来说,好消息是这三个人都算是物美价廉。The good thing for Heat fans is that Pittman, Butler and Varnado are solid second-round picks.

总的来说,对于需要网站的普通人而言,Zimplit是一个物美价廉的解决方案。On the whole, Zimplit is a great, affordable solution for non-technical folks who need websites.