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那个坏消息让我烦心了。The bad news bothered me.

微笑能使烦心事随风而逝,并且继续前进。Laugh to let it go and move on.

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但是,在这样的天堂里也有烦心事。But there is trouble in paradise.

请忘掉那件烦心事吧!Please forget that annoying thing.

然后我丈夫就开始让我烦心了。Then my husband started hassling me.

告诉我什麽事让你烦心。NO11,5. Tell me what's bothering you.

只有长大了才会有真正的烦心事。Only grow up to have real Fan Xinshi.

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如果真是这样,你可能是老板的烦心事。If so, you might be one of your boss' pet peeves.

遇到这么多烦心事,我能不发闷吗?How can I be happy when faced with so many troubles?

因为我有一份烦心的工作,压力特别大。Because I have a terrible job and it's very stressful.

好吧,那你有“肥毛”如果有烦心事想说,我听着。I'm not fat. It's all this fur. It makes me look poofy.

这样便消除了烦心的进纸问题。Tiresome problems with the entry of the paper are eliminated.

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天气还没有入秋,烦心事便有了一大堆。The weather has not yet autumn, there are a lot of Fan Xinshi.

布瑞鲁斯称写下自己的烦心事可以缓解焦虑。Breus says writing down your worries can reduce anxiety’s grip.

对于主教练布朗来说,主场优势是萨克拉门托烦心的牛奶铃铛。For coach Mike Brown, it was the clanging cowbells in Sacramento.

不要烦心命运、定数和神,想些简单的事情。Don’t bother about fate, kismet, God. Just think of simple things.

性能相关的问题可能会开始让你烦心。This is where performance related issues might start bothering you.

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奶奶告诉我,他们在和上帝耶和华诉说自己的烦心事。She told me that they tell the Lord God and in their own Fan Xinshi.

脑子里不想日常的烦心事。You don't have any of your daily troubles running through your mind.

幸运地是,如果你早作安排,你可以避免很多与旅行相关的烦心事。Luckily, you can avoid many travel-related hassles if you plan ahead.