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把工具挨个放在桌子上。Lay the tools together on the table.

不要挨个去问所有人你该怎么做Don't ask everyone about what you should do.

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杰克走了过来,挨个闻了闻猫仔。Jake walked over and sniffed each of the kittens.

盖茨走到队列前,和这些士兵挨个握手。Gates walked down the lines, shaking hands with all of them.

因为把人民饿死,要比挨个枪毙更经济,也更容易。Because it’s easier and cheaper to starve people to death than to shoot them.

车间足有一个足球场那么大,数百台各种机器挨个排开。They begin work at 8 am. The workshop is huge, about the size of a soccer field.

上帝说,“说那么多没有用地有啥子用,”马上,挨个小耗子都穿上了合适的漂亮的嘎嘎新的旱冰鞋。The Lord says, "Say no more" and fits each mouse with beautiful new roller skates.

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随后,他们又印了一些传单,挨个男生宿舍发放。Subsequently, they imprinted again a few handbills , in turn schoolboy dormitory extends.

年轻人走进宫门,挨个走过每个房间,在最后的一间才找到了公主。He entered and went through all the rooms, until in the last he found the King's daughter.

年轻人走进宫门,挨个走过每个房间,在最后一间他看到了公主。He entered and went through all the rooms, until in the last he found the king's daughter.

俞东雷说,有一家猎头挨个给他公司的人打电话,试图挖人。Yu says a headhunter called one desk after another at his business trying to lure people away.

我搭便车到了芝加哥,挨个电台地敲门推销自己——但每次都被拒绝了。I hitchhiked to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station-and got turned down every time.

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我搭便车到了芝加哥,挨个电台地敲门推销自己——但每次都被拒绝了。I hitchhiked to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station — and got turned down every time.

如果你对具体主题感兴趣,你可以对这些主题挨个进行头脑风暴。If you have specific subjects you are interested in, you might want to brainstorm about each of them.

当夜幕垂下,俱乐部成员们将烟花装入金属管,唐将它们挨个点燃。When darkness falls, the Lions prepare the fireworks in metal tubes, and Don ignites them one by one.

数列元素在每个类别中挨个组合,这是条状图和列状图的默认属性。Series items are grouped side by side in each category. This is the default for BarCharts and ColumnCharts.

挎篮子的妇女在观众中挨个兜售自家做的粽子,每个仅售5元。Ladies with baskets of Zongzi went from person to person, selling their hand-made treats for only RMB 5 each.

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武警亦挨个屋顶移步,以制止原住民聚集平台之上俯瞰街巷。They also moved from rooftop to rooftop to deter residents from gathering on terraces overlooking the alleys.

我每天收到几十封这种索要注册码的邮件,我没时间挨个回复。I receive tens of such mails everyday asking for registration code. I'm busy with study and cannot reply one by one.

当华中科技大学校方挨个宿舍进行走访时,学习成绩较差的学生也被给予了特别关照。When HUST conducted the dorm-to-dorm examination, students with poor academic performance were paid special attention.