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白血病和非甲状腺实体癌Leukaemia and non-thyroid solid cancer

牙龈经常出血,可能是白血病吗???Gum often bleeds, may be leukaemia? ? ?

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生花生皮能治白血病吗?Can unripe earthnut skin treat leukaemia?

白血病的早期症状是什么?What is the inchoate symptom of leukaemia?

急性淋巴细胞白血病是一种血液和骨髓癌症。ALL is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow.

过敏性紫癜会转成白血病吗?Can irritability purpura turn into leukaemia?

白血病能冶好吗?。Can leukaemia seductively dressed or made up?

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慢性白血病很少或根本没有癌变的母细胞。Chronic leukemias have few or no blast cells.

白血病与败血症是一回事吗?Are leukaemia and septicemia one and the same?

白血病和败血症有何不同?Do leukaemia and septicemia have why to differ?

白血病与白化病是同一种病吗?。Are leukaemia and albinism same kind of disease?

白血病和败血症有什么不同?What do leukaemia and septicemia have to differ?

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急性白血病发病急骤无法治疗。Acute leukemias progress rapidly without treatment.

有淋巴癌,骨癌,和白血病。These are thyroid cancer, bone cancer and leukemia.

怎样为白血病病人进行会阴护理?。How to Conduct Perineum Nursing for Leukemia Patients?

孩子就是孩子,不管他们是否有白血病。Children are children, whether they have leukemia or not.

后周建被诊断患有白血病,因此不能再继续学业。Zhou was diagnosed with leukaemia and cannot attend class.

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有一次我在医院里看到一个患白血病的小女孩。Once in a hospital I saw a small child with acute leukemia.

CD19-L与白血病细胞的整合一旦完成,细胞死亡就会出现。Once the CD19-L binds to leukemia cells, cell death occurs.

白血病细胞培养上清液无细胞毒作用。The culture supernatant of tumor cell lines was not cytoxic.