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克里斯是一个落魄的人。Chris is such a low-life.

落魄者高擎我的旗帜。The wretched hold my banner high.

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多么落魄的一个运动。What a comedown for the movement.

所以那些居住阁楼的落魄艺术家,再也没有借口了。So now the garret-dwellers have no excuses.

我们贫穷落魄,你认为我们是猪猡。When we were poor, you thought we were dogs.

我想,男人们肯定喜欢落魄少女。Men must like a damsel in distress, I decided.

无业游民陈全因生意失败而落魄。Hobo Chen Quan is abjection because of business failure.

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终于找到了落魄的莫尼卡,问她是怎样回事。Finally found the dethroned monica, asked how she happened.

英国民主政府真的有可能落魄至此吗?Is this really what British democracy might have been reduced to?

二娘生活落魄,卖掉黑骡子送他的镯子。ErNian living down and out, sell black mule to send his bracelets.

落魄的三人决定结盟,替彼此报仇。Abjection 3 people decide to form an alliance, revenge for each other.

如果说美国人有一件擅长的事,那么就是扮演落魄者。If there’s one thing Americans are good at, it’s playing the underdog.

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所以,上个月丢了工作以后就完全落魄了。So since he lost his job last month, he has been completely down and out.

天涯精心照顾着梦蝶一家,暗中处处刁难落魄的庭深。You take good care of a butterfly, secretly everywhere deep down the court.

克利斯真是落魄潦倒。他睡在公园板凳上而且整天喝酒。Chris is such a low-life. He sleeps on the park bench and drink booze all day.

他真的家徒四壁,生活落魄得连狗都不如。Hehas genuine church mouse! Even the dogs learticle some sort of life than him.

为了鼓励落魄的父亲重新开始生活,林思齐报名参加了MMA。Begin the life afresh to urge abjection father, lin Saiqi signs up attended MMA.

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他是一个穷困的老人,落魄和潦倒,饱经风霜的脸上布满了皱纹。He was a poor old man, down and out, with many wrinkles on his weather-beaten face.

即使一个结论被证明是错的,但它仍像是一个落魄的承租人一样让你没办法彻底驱逐他。Even when a claim is disproved, it hangs around like a deadbeat renter you can’t evict.

对于两个赛季前排名第二的俱乐部来说,竟然有降级之虞真是太落魄了。The prospect of relegation is a comedown for a club that finished second two seasons ago.