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痤疮、青春痘、粉刺、结痂斑点。Acne. Zits.

年青人通常都长有很多粉刺。Teens often have a lot of zits.

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即便是50多岁的人偶尔也会长粉刺。Even 50-year-olds endure flare-ups.

你担忧你脸上的粉刺吗?Do you worry abot acne on your face?

有助于减少和消除粉刺。Help reduce and eliminate comedones.

你可以把芦荟涂抹在粉刺上面。You can apply aloe vera gel on the acne.

帮助保持皮肤暗疮粉刺的新明确。Help keep skin clear of new acne pimples.

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通常它被用于治疗重度粉刺。Often it can be used for severe acne treatment.

肤质较厚,毛孔粗大,冗杂长粉刺和面疱。Thick skin, large pores, acne and acne jumbled.

我可以用什麽来去除粉刺呢?NO11,6. What can I use to clear up the blemishes?

适合各种暗疮、粉刺所遗留的暗疮印肌肤使用。The acne mark skin left by various comedo and acne.

吃巧克力不会诱发粉刺更不会加重粉刺。Eating chocolate neither causes nor aggravates acne.

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如果你有粉刺,那就化妆一下把最难看的部分掩饰住。If you have acne, use makeup to cover the worst of it.

治疗痤疮,粉刺,小脓胞,黑头粉刺。For the treatment of acne blemishes, pimples, blackheads.

则可以使用无芳香剂、不致粉刺的非油性津润剂。Use fragrance-free, non-comedogenic, oil-free moisturizers.

什么是身体粉刺和油腻的皮肤的最佳的粉刺清洁剂?What is the best acne cleanser for body acne and oily skin?

啊哈,他的面颊上确有些粉刺留下的坑洼痕迹。Aha! He did have some scars from acne that potholed his cheeks.

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去头屑,抑制落发。改善粉刺和痘痘肌肤。Get rid of scurf, restrain loose of hair and be good for acnes.

而且经常季节性的全脸爆发粉刺和黑头。I also have occasional breakouts and blackheads all over my face.

大约有百分之80的年轻人和很多的成年人在某段时间都会长粉刺。Around 80 percent of teens and many adults have acne at some time.