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好!一切就绪了。Okay. All right.

铀弹壳就绪,将军。Uranium shell ready, general.

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宴会的预备工作现在都已就绪。Everything is ready now for the party.

一个单元就绪后就会立即被处理。Once a unit is ready, it is processed.

查看正在处理的请求的就绪状态Viewing an in-progress request's ready state

登山运动员们用一条绳子相互系起来,一切就绪准备出发。The mountaineers roped up and was ready to start.

一切准备工作就绪后,他们就秘密进发了。After all preparations were made, they setoff secretly.

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当一切就绪后,他们立刻著手打井。As soon as everything was ready, they started spudding in.

可能的所有者可以在其工作列表中看到就绪任务。The potential owner can see ready tasks on their work lists.

网络侧不会向处于就绪状态的移动台发起寻呼。The network initiates no GPRS pages for an MS in READY state.

局域网将成为系统就绪LXI仪器的基础。LAN will become the backplane in system-ready LXI instruments.

视图就绪后,构造数据源查询就是小事一桩。With the view in place, constructing the source query is a snap.

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六点钟,马都备了鞍,装粮食的大车也安排就绪。By six o'clock the horses were all saddled, the grub wagon ready.

千万不要提早到,因为主人可能尚未一切就绪。Never be early, as the host may not have everything prepared yet.

如果重新启用,错误路径将回到就绪状态。The faulty path will go back to ready status if you re-enable it.

这组作者说,该网络可能在2012年中期就绪。The global network could be in place by mid-2012, say the authors.

你的地区讲习会节目有哪些方面已经就绪?What aspects of your district assembly program are already in place?

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我就绪待发,我期盼的帆已张满,等待风起。Ready am I to go, and my eagerness with sails full set awaits the wind.

一切就绪。请您在这张支票后面背书好吗?Everything is in order. Would you mind endorsing this check at the back?

落实拍摄地,选定替身演员以及所有其他准备工作均已就绪。Place hunting, casting stunt men and all other preparation was completed.