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这是一个很大的转变。There is a major shift.

所以,陈戈转变了策略。So Mr Chen changed tack.

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这是一个巨大的转变。That's a huge turnaround.

这标志者迅速的转变。This marks a rapid shift.

传达一种转变思想。Convey a shift in thought.

这是一个巨大的转变。This is a tremendous shift.

我们给予了一次迅速的转变。We give a rapid turnaround.

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这些转变是如何发生的?How does this change happen?

但这个转变并非一帆风顺。That turnabout was not easy.

因为我们处在转变之中。Because we are in transition.

这可真是一个巨大的转变This is a big transformation.

你们的世界,它---正在转变!Your world, it is a-changing !

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人由类猿人转变而来。Man are descended from ape-men.

感冒有可能转变成支气管炎。A cold can turn into bronchitis.

试想想,保罗的生命起了多么大的转变。Imagine the turn in Paul's life.

你也确认这是一种内在纯然的转变。You recognize the change in you.

它将“可怜的我”转变成“自由的我”。It turns ‘poor me’ into ‘free me.

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风向的转变阻止了火势的蔓延。A change of wind checked the fire.

白杨树的树叶转变为秋天的颜色。An aspen leaf turning fall colors.

这种转变只会呈加速发展。And the shift is only accelerating.