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可怜的老铁甲拳。Poor old mailed fist.

铁甲骑兵的马有多大?How big were the cataphract horses?

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红蜘蛛之鬼魂苏醒,只身前往铁甲星。Starscream's ghost awakens and heads to Tryptic.

没有任何东西可穿透这辆新战车的铁甲。Nothing could break through the armor of the new tank.

嗨,快来看呐,这是小铁甲犀!Hi, come to see hurrah immediately, this is the small armor Xi!

在他的铁甲上,有个银质的功勋十字章。On his cuirass he wore the silver cross of the Legion of Honor.

那个浑身穿着钢衣铁甲的人在马上已经度过了整整几天几夜了。The man, cased in steel, had passed whole days and nights in the saddle.

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滑铁卢战争中,他在杜布瓦旅当铁甲骑兵队队长。At Waterloo, he was chief of a squadron of cuirassiers, in Dubois' brigade.

犰狳是唯一依靠重力形成球形铁甲团滚动的动物。Armadillos aren't the only creatures who rely on gravity to get the ball rolling.

首先,将铁甲人放喺地下,跟住用壁虎功爬高到天花板。First, puts Small Robot on the floor, then uses Lizard Tech to climb up til ceiling.

他命令米约的铁甲骑兵去占领圣约翰山高地。He gave orders to Milhaud's cuirassiers to carry the table-land of Mont -Saint-Jean.

还有什么能比一艘铁甲战舰在海上乘风破浪更加优雅动人的呢?What thing more graceful than an ironclad, cleaving her way through the sea?Well, Mr.

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一个大个子的其实从货车后面走下来,从头到脚包裹着军团的铁甲。A big knight stepped down from the back of a wagon, clad head to heel in company steel.

操作天火,在不受到激光门的伤害的情况下逃出铁甲龙要塞的废墟。As Jetfire, escape the ruins of Trypticon without taking any damage from the laser gates.

巨型低弦战舰一种19世纪的战船,外有厚重的铁甲包裹,还有一个低平的甲板和一个或多个炮塔收藏。A heavily ironclad warship of the19th century with a low, flat deck and one or more gun turrets.

第一个建造铁甲船舰队的国家将使其他国家的海军相形见绌。The first country to build a fleet of Ironclads renders the rest of the world's navies obsolete.

专业生产GPS定位器及雷达预警,并有着国内知名品牌“铁甲兵”。We are manufacturer of GPS tracker and radar detector, and has the domestic famous brand CAVALRY.

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北方的寒气传送着打更的声音,清冷的月光映照着战士们的铁甲彰澜袍。North to send the Dageng cold voice, the cold moonlight shines upon the soldiers of the armored shirt.

提利昂帮他船上格斗用装,厚重的裤子,紧身上衣,还有一套凹痕累累的旧铁甲。Tyrion helped him dress for the bout, in heavy breeches, padded doublet, and a dinted suit of old steel plate.

在一个早期的物证上,两名铁甲骑兵向他们追逐的铁甲骑兵射箭。One piece of early evidence even shows two cataphracts firing bows at several other cataphracts they are pursuing.