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信用证,履约保函和保证金。Letters of credit, performance guarantees and bonds.

如果买方的备用信用证暂未生效,该备用信用证将由卖方履约保证激活生效。If buyer's SBLC is non- operative, it shall be activated by seller's PB.

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她说,“供应商不能履约是所有供应链固有的问题”。“Supplier failure is an inherent problem in all supply chains, ” she said.

当然,履约工作也存在一些值得关注的问题。Of course, there are also some noteworthy issues existing in the CWC implementation.

只有履约证书才应被视为构成对工程的接受。Only the Performance Certificate shall be deemed to constitute acceptance of the Works.

而在强制性履约中,契约履行的强制力则主要来自于法律制度。And in implementing compulsorily, the compulsory force mainly comes from the law system.

他还说,欧洲央行自己持有的希腊债券将“全面地完整地履约。”He added that the ECB's own holdings of Greek bonds would be "fully and integrally honored."

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可见,今后欧洲国家不可心存侥幸,必须严格履约。Visible, future European countries do not take any chances, must be strictly the performance.

随着2009-10销售年度的来临,这将进一步提高新季作物出口履约的数量。This will further boost new-crop export commitments as the 2009-10 marketing year gets underway.

如果你们能按期履约的话,我们将考虑再次向你们订货。If you can ensure punctual effectuation of this contract, we will consider placing repeat orders.

实践证明,中方的履约措施是得力和有效的。The practice has proven that China's measures of the CWC implementation are strong and effective.

我们有权取消由于买方不能履约而延误的合同。We are entitled to cancel the contract which became overdue owing to the buyer's non-performance.

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罗斯·高特莫勒,负责核查、履约和执行的助理国务卿。Gottemoeller is the assistant secretary of state for verification, compliance, and implementation.

从而履约成为博弈的均衡,因此契约比较稳定。Signing the contract become the balance of Game- Theory, so the contract is more stable than before.

第五,加强公约普遍性和国家履约措施。Fifthly, further efforts should be made to promote universality and national implementation measures.

感谢您5月5日的定单,本月已经履约,特此奉告。In thanking you for your esteemed order of the 5th May, I inform you that it has this day been executed.

没有提交履约保证金的,应当对招标人的损失承担赔偿责任。Where no such security is provided, it shall bear the liability for the losses caused to the bid inviter.

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当卖方履行完合同中之装运及交货后,买方应一次性将卖方交纳的履约保证金30,000美元无息退还给卖方。The Seller should submit USD30,000 of the Performance Bond within 5 working days after signing the contract.

当夜,西光、秀秀都赶来给西凤过生日,而向南却没有履约呈现。That night, west light, show came to west chickens birthday party, and the south is not rendering performance.

上述两保函,即3,270,000美元的预付款保函和1,113,433美元的履约保函应以买方为受益人开立。Down-payment guarantee on USD 3,270,000 and Performance guarantee on USD 1,113,433 shall be opened in buyer's favor.