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屠夫卖肉。The butcher sells meat.

屠夫砍下一块冻肉的肋条。The trade of a butcher.

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屠夫痛得发出了嚎叫声。The butcher let out a howl.

屠夫需利刃。A butcher needs sharp knives.

她的丈夫是个胖胖的屠夫。Her husband is a fat butcher.

特迪是一名屠夫的儿子。Teddy was the son of a butcher.

屠夫她闻到了柳条女人的香味。The butcher smelt her fragrance.

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俺有一个师兄姓庖名丁,每日要做"解牛"的工作,也就是说是个屠夫。I have a co-worker named Paoding.

屠夫在称肉的重量。The butcher is weighing the meat.

屠夫不怕羊多。One butcher does not fear many sheep.

为什么屠夫可以成为基督徒?The butcher smile and become Catholic.

“我真的很享受,”屠夫说。"I'm really enjoying the ride, " Turiaf said.

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在最后一只牛的前面站着个屠夫。At the head of the last stands the slaughterman.

屠夫带着一把钩子来了。In with a left hook is the bethnal green butcher.

屠夫站在裁缝住过的老房子外面。The butcher stood outside the tailor's old house.

屠夫的刀利落地把肉切开。The butcher 's knife cut cleanly through the meat.

如果你了解屠夫,你就会知道他是一个特别的球员。And if you know Ronny, you know he's a special kid.

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这是关于音乐的,对屠夫来说已经太好了。It’s about the music, which is too good to butcher.

英国南安普顿的屠夫一家不会这么想。The Butcher family of Southampton, UK, wouldn't say so.

屠夫高兴的口水都要流出来了。The butcher was so pleased, spittle ran from his mouth.