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八角形表冠设置蓝色凸圆形树冠。Octagonal-shaped crown set with blue cabochon crown.

修剪通过剪除部分树冠而改变根冠比。Pruning, by removing part of the top, alters this ratio.

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栗子树在我们头顶撑开缀满繁花的树冠。Overhead the chestnut branches were covered with blossom.

树冠分枝形,树姿直立。The cultivar has ramose crown and upright tree appearance.

冷杉的树干是黑色的,而树冠则披着白色。The fir tree is black at the trunk, white out at the edges.

树冠脱离了树身,那是什么样的疼痛?Tree crown come off tree trunk, what kind of pain will it be?

灌木飞出松鸦,乌鸦在树冠上叫唤。And from the wood-top calls the crow, through all the gloomy day.

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偶尔一缕清风掠过,碧绿的树冠就发出声声叹息。The green roof of leaves above sighed at every rare and passing breeze.

该方法可以同时对树木的树高、树径、树冠进行测量。It can measure the height, diameter and crown of trees at the same time.

树冠是氧的来源,是神奇光合作用的制造者。The crown is the source of oxygen, worker of the magic of photosynthesis.

树冠东南侧液流速率大,西北侧液流速率小。The sap velocity was bigger in south and east crown than in north and west.

大多数情况下成年叶猴都在林地的树冠上采食树叶。Adult langurs spend most of their day in the forest canopy feeding on leaves.

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研究了松黄叶蜂幼虫在林内和树冠内南北方位及各小区的分布。The distribution on Neodiprion sertifer larvae in forests and crowns was studied.

在徽标中,树冠的多处地方体现了森林的多种价值。In the logo, the many parts of the crown represent the multiple values of forests.

上面的地图通过绿色阴影的深浅标示出美国森林的树冠高度。The map above shows forest canopy height for the United States in shades of green.

在这座茂密森林的树冠之下,隐藏著一个复杂的前哥伦布时期社会遗迹。Hidden under the forest canopy are the remnants of a complex pre-Columbian society.

树冠温度、光合作用和气空传导的双大叶模式。Two-Big-Leaf Model for Canopy Temperature, Photosynthesis, and Stomatal Conductance.

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水边有个小公园,长了些挺好看的栗树,干粗叶茂,树冠极大。There was a small park at the water edge with fine chestnut trees huge and spreading.

结果表明,主干较矮,树冠为自然半圆头形,冠幅略大于冠厚。Result shows that the trunk was short and the canopy shaped as the natural semicircle.

槐树的树冠很大,基本上能盖住院子的大半部。Tree canopy of the large yard has basically been able to cover most of the Department.