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峨嵋最高峰海拔3099米,从平地直冲云霄。Its highest peak rises abruptly from a plain to 3099m. above sea level.

文章对峨嵋佛家养生与道家的相互影响也作了一定的分析。The author also analyses the interaction of the E'mei Taoism and Buddhism.

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峨嵋一直是来自全国朝拜者的圣地。The mountain became a sacred place for pilgrims from all over the country.

都说从清音阁到洪椿坪一线是峨嵋的精华所在,风景绝佳。Said to Chunping from Qingyin Pavilion Emei line is the essence of great scenery.

周六黎明之前,在东际天宇上您会寻到那轮正在爬升的峨嵋月。Saturday morning before dawn, look for the waning crescent moon rising in the east.

吃过早饭,大约7点多,便向峨嵋十景之一的“九老仙府”出发。Breakfast, about 7 o 'clock, then I Mei to one of the ten views "nine old fairy fu" start.

仙峰寺地处峨嵋半山,离九老洞约十分钟的路程。Xianfeng Temple is located in the Mid Emei , Guro -dong, about ten minutes away from the distance.

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目的对峨嵋产黄连微量元素及重金属的初级形态进行分析。ObjectiveTo analyse the primary speciation of trace elements and heavy metals in Emei Coptis chinensis.

去就去真正的峨眉山,师从真正的峨嵋气功吧。Just go to Emei Mountain, study with the great masters there and taste the fruit of the real Emei teachings.

后经“峨嵋地幔柱”的作用和二叠纪“峨嵋地裂运动”的拉张,“塔里木?扬子古大陆”裂解、分离。Under the action of "Emei mantle plume" and the extension of "Emei Taphrogeny", the Tarim-Yangtze Paleocontinent diverged and separated.

南迁文物又沿三路辗转迁徙至四川,分别存于四川省的巴县、峨嵋和乐山。Now the treasures stored in Nanjing had to be moved again, this time by three routes to Sichuan, where they were secreted in three locations, Baxian, Emei and Leshan.

在遮荫情况下,雅安居群与峨嵋居群叶片的长度、宽度,节间长度、草层高度皆随遮荫梯度的增加而增加,茎的直径随遮荫梯度的增加而下降。Living under shade condition, The length and width of leaf lamina , internodes, and canopy height is increase , but Stolon diameter decrease along with the increment of shade level.

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峨嵋叶蜡石矿储量大,矿石类型主要有石英叶蜡石型、硬水铝石叶蜡石型、叶蜡石型、明矾石叶蜡石型等。Emei Pyrophyllite deposit possesses a large amount of reserves with different types of pyrophyllite ore , such as quartz-pyrophyllite, diaspore-pyrophyllite, pyrophyllite and alunite-pyrophyllite etc.