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你可以得到第一手的信息。You get information first-hand.

或者你有没有听说过一些第一手的事情?Or have you heard of some first-hand?

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太阳动力学观测台的第一手光学图像First Light for Solar Dynamics Observatory

追星族总是有偶像的第一手资料。Groupies always get first hand information.

神起第一手快讯会在这里呈现。TVXQ the first quick news to be able to present in here.

但他们提供了第一手资料,查看里面的爱色尼。None of them gives a firsthand, inside view of the Essenes.

让品茶人品到第一手的产地茶农茶!Tea character so that the farmers first-hand the origin of tea!

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是否想走到别人前面,赚到第一手钱呢?Do you want to get the first barrel of gold before someone else.

作为目击者的记者本人也被认为是第一手来源。The journalist as eyewitness also is considered a primary source.

这样的话就允许所有感兴趣的组织第一手的见证整个改造过程。This allows all interested parties to see first-hand the progress.

他们的供述提供了当天发生事件唯一的第一手资料。They gave the only first-hand accounts of what took place that day.

学生们兴奋于有第一手资料注解他们的课本。It thrills them to annotate their textbooks with first-hand information.

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他们将遵循“大建设奥林匹克公园的第一手资料。They will follow the progress of the Olympic Park ‘big build’ first-hand.

那目前关于克利奥帕特拉的第一手资料是什么?What is the actual first source we have that says anything about Cleopatra?

这个节目为观众带来当事者娓娓道来的第一手故事。This show gives viewers firsthand stories from people who were at the scene.

由皮艇,你将能够本身的第一手美丽的植物群和动物群。By kayaking, you will be able to se first-hand the beautiful flora and fauna.

记者报道新闻时既利用第一手资讯来源,也利用第二手资讯来源。Reporters use both primary and secondary sources when reporting news stories.

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我见到第一手在地球方面的最古老的文明如何是合式的年轻再一次。I saw first-hand how the oldest civilization on earth is becoming young again.

这会给他们一个第一手的印象你是怎么和为什么减少你的拥有的。It’ll give them a first-hand look at how and why you’re paring down your possessions.

不过,在最初的转手后,除非第一手交易获利了,不要再做第二手。But after the initial transaction, don’t make a second unless the first shows a profit.