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以及“我们在乎的是什么“分离开来的?What do we care about?

以及自我毁灭。About self-destruction.

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哭泣,悲伤,以及痛苦。Crying, sadness, misery.

整理箱以及编织袋一应俱全。The sorting box and bag.

我以及他都面生玛丽。He and I don't know Mary.

还是那些因为血肉横飞,肚肠烂流以及刺激枪战?The blood, gore and guns?

还有床单、厕纸以及肥皂。And toilet paper. And soap.

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以及他今年26岁。He is twenty-six years old.

锅碗瓢盆以及炒菜锅。Pots and pans, woks as well.

以及雨后开朗,阳光普照。Sunshine and joy after rain.

以及所有诸如此类的问题。All of those sorts of things.

我的家是以及平之家。My home is the home of peace.

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以及地铁。是这样的。and the underground. So yeah.

以及那么高尚的道德品质。And the noble moral character.

何时以及怎样做出改变呢?When and how does that change?

敬辞您想以及谁联络?Who would you like to contact?

他想以及我不相闻问。He tried to break away from me.

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献上我的爱以及祝福。I send my love and good wishes.

那件是绿颜色以及黄色的。The one tht is green nd yellow.

钩,线以及其他注意事项。Hooks, wires, and other hazards.