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移至公海――离开海岸。Move to high seas-keep off coast.

那艘护卫舰开向公海。The frigate made for the open sea.

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这是公海中的‘西大荒’。It's the Wild West out in the open ocean.

我们驶抵公海,海岸似乎退到了远方。We reached the open sea and the coast receded into the distance.

一些抢劫犯在公海以海盗方式掠夺旅客的财物。Some plunderers pirated the passengers' properties on the high seas.

但是,在公海捕获的鱼,则归捕捞者所有。Fish hooked on the high seas, however, belonged to whoever caught them.

不一会儿,我们离开了河口湾,向公海前进。Soon we had left the river estuary and were heading towards the open sea.

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目前该科学考察船正在公海海域开展相关活动。At present, the vessel is carrying out relevant activities on the high seas.

今天,海盗仍然在公海为害四方,他们为了钱财而抢劫杀人。Pirates still sail the high seas today raiding and killing for money and booty.

尽管如此,一些石油公司还是在公海海域看到了曙光。Still, many oil companies see a bright future in oil drilling on the high seas.

深海鲨鱼通常在公海中被金枪鱼或箭鱼的捕捞渔业同时捕获。Pelagic sharks are usually caught on the high seas in tuna or swordfish fisheries.

保卫盟友以及公海和公空的自由是美国永久以及不可转让的国家利益。Defending allies, andfreedom of the seas and skies, is a permanent, nonnegotiable U.

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索马里海盗危机为中国在公海的亮相搭建了理想的舞台。The Somali piracy crisis makes the ideal platform for China's debut on the high seas.

这是一种非常适合航行的船只,能够在公海经受长期的航行。It is very seaworthy vessel, easily capable of enduring the long voyages on high seas.

每年,总有数以百万计的公海生物被人类蚕食。Tens of millions of the open-water predators are extracted from global seas every year.

由于导航系统出现了故障,船舶停驶在公海上了。Due to problems with the navigation system, the ship was forced to stop on the high seas.

但在公海,只是发现矿藏并不能赋予一个国家其开采权。But in open seas, simply discovering such deposits does not give one permission to develop them.

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这在很大程度上取决于风向,风推动石油漂向公海,或漂向其他方向。Much depends on the wind, which could push the oil out towards the open sea—or in the other direction.

夏季鄂霍茨克海公海区狭鳕渔场环境特征。Environmental characteristic of walleye pollock fishing ground in high seas of the okhotsk sea in summer.

每个国家,不论是沿海国或内陆国,均有权使悬挂其国旗的船舶在公海上行驶。Every State, whether coastal or land-locked, has the right to sail ships flying its flag on the high seas.