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这辆卡车来历不明。The truck is of unknown origin.

这辆卡车来历不明。This truck is of unknown origin.

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医生们起先嘲笑这个来历不明的旅行者。The physicians at first laughed at the unknown wayfarer.

一个来历不明的思想,也必是可以令人怀疑的思想。An idea of unknown origin, it is certainly doubtful thoughts.

不让电脑执行来历不明的程序等。Don't let computer implementation the unexplained procedures, etc.

另外,来历不明的廉价进口药物中可能也存这种成分。It may also be hidden in cheap imported medicines of dubious origin.

但是,对来历不明的产品的需求将下降。But the demand for the clandestine product would be substantially reduced.

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你开始觉得买新的自行车很傻,那些来历不明的二手车连一半的价钱都不要。You felt buying new bikes are stupid. Those unexplained bikes not even sale for half price.

电压是那么强,以致常有一个来历不明的陌生人在某种时刻突然闪过。The electric tension was such that at certain instants , the first comer, a stranger, brought light.

“来历不明就是最好的证据。”云雀干脆地打断了自家首领毫无说服力的反驳。Coming from who-knows-where is the best proof. " Hibari broke the clan-leader's unconvincing retort simply."

即使是在那个来历不明的人还没有对珂赛特那样明显表示关切的时候,德纳第就已识破了这一点。Even before the stranger had so clearly manifested his interest in Cosette, Thenardier had divined his purpose.

看着有限的选择,我变得几乎疯狂,抓起几个来历不明的有凹损的关头罐头——这些玉米粥无疑非常方便!Seeing the limited choices, I went feral, grabbing dented cans of unknown provenance — surely this hominy will come in handy!

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旅客最可怕的噩梦,是钱和证件一起遗失,沦为来历不明的乞丐。He faces the most horrible possibility of losing his money and credentials, which will reduce himself to a pauper of unknown background.

她说,一种坏味道或是来历不明的味道有可能引起人们的警觉,让人分心,并改变人的情绪,通常都是让情绪变得更糟糕。A bad or unidentified smell can 'make us go on alert, distract us from what we're doing and change our mood, ' usually for the worse, she says.

同时巧克莉对来历不明的少年皮耶尔一见钟情,而她魔女的心被吸引。Artful Ke Li's unidentified to antecedents at the same time teenager Piyeer falls in love at first sight, and the heart of her hag is attracted.

蒋艳萍犯有贪污、行贿、受贿等罪行,拥有多项来历不明的资产。Ms. Jiang was found guilty on multiple accounts of corruption, giving and receiving enormous bribes, and owning assets from unexplained sources.

同年,罪犯资产局,CAB,成立对怀疑为罪犯者来历不明的财富有权调查和查没。That same year, the Criminal Assets Bureau, CAB, was formed and given the power to access and seize unexplained wealth from suspected criminals.

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尽管有人声称见过古代的太空人和来历不明的飞行物体,但并无确切证据证实别的文明世界的来客曾经访问过地球。Despite claims about ancient astronauts and unidentified flying objects , there is no firm evidence for past visitations of the Earth by other civilizations.

有很多有用的特征说明蘑菇是有毒的,它们是不一致的,所有来历不明的蘑菇都应该被认为是有危险的食物。While there are some useful signs that a mushroom is poisonous, they are not consistent and all mushrooms of unknown origin should be considered dangerous to eat.

对待这些表面上很友好、跟善意的邮件附件,我们应该做的是立即删除这些来历不明的文件。Treat these apparently the very friendly, mail accessory that follows kindness, what we should do is to delete the file with these unidentified antecedents instantly.