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对于一些人来说,这是个民智的主意。To some people, that is a smart idea.

在传播民主宪政思想,启迪民智方面,产生了重大影响。The paper had a great influence on spreading the constitutional thought and inspiring people.

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在立法过程中,坚持发扬民主,集中民智,反映民意。In the legislative process, we uphold democracy, pool the people's wisdom and reflect the people's will.

自创办起就以监督政府、开启民智为己任,以大公无私的态度评论时事,以“敢言”著称于时。It took on the public affairs such as supervising government and enlightening civilian wisdom as its own duty.

他进行的教育改革实践,注重开通民智,并积极推动社会的变革。His practice of education reform focuses on opening people's wisdom, as well as actively promotes social changes.

“开民智”、“作新民”是我国近代发展社会教育的主题。"Enlightening the mass" and "being a new citizen" were the theme of the development of Chinas modern social education.

他的科学思想在中国起到了开启民智,重立人心的积极作用。His thoughts of science plays a tremendously positive role in the process of the reform of the traditional Chinese culture.

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这一方面,同样有赖民智的提升与政治和法律上完美的制衡。In this aspect, there is a similar need FOR the raising of the people's intellect and a perfect balance between politics and the law.

我们读到或听到的事件越是让人发指,我们越是觉得肩负着启发民智的责任,谴责他们。The more horrible the events about which we read and heard, the more certain we became of our responsibility to enlighten and accuse.

他以中国民智未开,力主不可亟开议院,反映了改良主义者向外国资产阶级学习的愈来愈没有出路。He did not open the Chinese people's wisdom, advocated non-Ji Kai House, reflecting the reformist learning more to foreign bourgeoisie no way out.

网络是当今领导干部了解民情、集中民智,实现科学决策、民主决策的重要渠道。Network is the important channels for leading cadre get to know how people are faring, pool their wisdom, achieving scientific and democratic decision making.

这为以新闻传媒形式开启民智,唤起回族人民爱国兴教提供了组织准备。The two Forces prepared an organization for educating the people and arousing the Hui people to love the country and vitalize their religion through journalism.

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事实上,克里姆林宫经常为自己的做法辩护,特别是在应对国外舆论时。他们常说俄罗斯民众“民智尚未开化”,公民意识不强。In fact, the Kremlin often defends its actions, particularly to foreigners, by pointing to the "mindlessness" of Russians and the lack of a strong civil society.

变法是发展自由主义经济的基础,提高民力、民智、民德,是发展自由主义经济的途径。Political reform provides the bases for raising the level of the people's power, wisdom and mores, and constitutes an effective approach to develop liberalist economy.

近代特殊的历史危机,迫使文人以启蒙民智为出发点进行通俗文学的创作,希望以此来实现自己的政治理想。Writers, faced with historical crises in modern times, were forced to create popular works in the hope of enlightening people and realizing their own political aspirations.

外国侦探小说与科幻小说在晚清思想文化的近代化进程尤其是崇尚科学、开启民智方面产生巨大的影响。This paper holds that the foreign whodunit and sci-fi exerts a tremendous influence on the evolution of the Chinese thinking and culture, especially on the science and wisdom.

他把“最大幸福原理”作为社会的原则,主张用教育来提高民智和增进民福。Mill viewed the Greatest Happiness Principle as a social principle and advocated that education should be used to develop people's intelligence and enhance people's well-being.

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近代社会教育在“开民智”中的基本经验,为我们今天开展素质教育,重视群众教育和社会教育提供了许多值得借鉴的经验。The basic experience of "Opening the Peoples Wisdom" in modern social education should be borrowed by us in carrying out quality education, mass education and social education.

这些内容包括体察民情、了解民意、集中民智、珍惜民力、诚心诚意地为群众谋利益等。The contents include investigating mass condition, following the peoples will, collecting public wisdom, cherishing financial resources of the people and profiting the common people.

保持低调,实为战略上的民智之选,使其日常工作游离于公众视线之外,同时,为档在经济快速增长之时获得声誉。Their low profile has been strategically smart, keeping their day-to-day doings out of public view while allowing the party to take full credit for the country's rapid economic growth.