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他被烦恼折腾得心情沈重。The trouble weighed him down.

我没时间在这儿瞎折腾了。I just don't have time for this.

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关节炎把她折腾得够呛。Her arthritis troubles her greatly.

别再折腾我的酸橙树了。去做点什么!Stop fondling my limes and do something!

我没办法,这双高跟鞋快把我折腾死了。I can't. These high-heels are killing me.

春运真把我折腾的够呛!The Spring-transport really fucked me up!

不折腾!建立和谐社会。No Z-turns! Let's build harmonious society.

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别瞎折腾了,先干完你的工作。Stop messing about – finish your work first.

把时间折腾在这上面,是浪费时间。Time spent agonizing over them is time wasted.

这些年我们为了钱,被折腾得够呛。We've been really hard hit for money these years.

参战者们都有雄厚的财力,经得起折腾。The combatants have deep pockets and much to lose.

其中一位女士大声嚷着,“我敢打赌我们折腾了不下一百次!”“I'd say that's a hundred!” one of them exclaimed.

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其中一位女士大声嚷着,“我敢打赌我们折腾了不下一百次!”“I’d say that’s a hundred!” one of them exclaimed.

通常,我们自己瞎折腾只是在折腾自己。Often it is our own struggles that make us struggle.

化脓的伤口已经折腾我好几天了。The festering wound has plagued me for several days.

我不应该折腾同门。I should not toss approximately pupils of same master.

你这一天净用这样傻里傻气的问题来折腾我!You've been plaguing me with such silly questions all day!

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但是被烧糊涂的周青青却硬是折腾了尤斌一个晚上。But it just burned muddled Zhou Qingqing YouBin up a night.

我对于一个为了头发折腾个没完的人是颇感纳罕的。I'm very suspicious of a man who fusses much with his hair.

折腾了一个晚上,我已经麻木了,我只想把他从肚子里弄出来。I felt like just trying to get the person out of my stomach.