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然后他们又走了两天路,从灾区出来。They then walked two days to get out.

加油!支持!为灾区人民献出我们的爱心!Show our love to flood-stricken people!

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我与雅安地震灾区的人们同在!My thoughts are with the people of Ya'an!

灾区还需要医务人员。Medical personnel also are needed, Luu said.

我们都要尽自己的全力为灾区人民的未来铺设新的道路。We all can help pave a new road for the future.

现在,就让我们向灾区献一份爱心。Now, let us offer a caring to the disaster areas.

红十字会在灾区实施救助。The Red Cross administrates aid in disaster areas.

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在地震受灾区,人们过着半饥半饱的生活。At the earthquake-striken area, people are underfed.

“生命力家园”在512地震之后一直扎根在灾区。"Vitality Home" was always in disaster area after 512.

灾区需用医药,急如星火。Medical aid must be sent to the stricken area posthaste.

医疗援助必须火速送到灾区。Medical aid must be sent to the stricken area posthaste.

飞机向灾区空投救灾物资。The planes dropped relief supplies to the stricken area.

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如何向甘肃舟曲泥石流灾害灾区捐款?How to debris flow disaster in Gansu Zhouqu contributions?

目前灾区范围仅限于震央周围的地区。The damages are limited to the area around the hypocenter.

例如,露西的妹妹苏是一个移动灾区。For example, Lucy's sister Sue was a walking disaster area.

飞机向灾区空投救灾物资。The planes airdropped relief supplies to the stricken area.

但是,有的土耳其人还是赶赴灾区。But other Turks have reached out to the quake-stricken area.

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这将是教皇对地震灾区的首次访问。It will be the Pope's first visit to the quake-affected area.

欧柏嘉向梅德韦杰夫承诺,他会为灾区建设50栋房屋。Addressing Medvedev, Deripaska promised to build fifty houses.

约有一多半是被送往地震灾区,主要是海地。More than half have gone to earthquake victims, mostly in Haiti.