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还是为了对于天的乡思?Or a relief of your homesickness of heaven?

露丝悲伤的心灵,当乡思难耐Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home

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乡思乡情也免不了给人们带来多方面的消极作用。Feeling of longing for motherland brings more negative effects.

在我呆在这个国家的期间,她的热情冲淡了我的乡思。Her hospitality diluted my homesickness during my stay in the country.

秋风,明月,乡思。中秋佳节,何憾此生。The autumn moon, homesickness, Mid-Autumn Festival, he regrets this life.

我领悟到秋天野火飘过我们市镇的烟味,不禁勾起了乡思。To the nostalgia of bonfire smoke as it drifts through our town in autumn.

这家饭店的家乡风味菜,勾起了我们的乡思。The local-flavour dishes cooked by this restaurant have reminded us of home.

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普洱茶是历史名茶,他诞生于世界茶乡思茅这块得天独厚的沃土之中,又经过了上千年的发展演变。It was rooted in the well-favored fertile land and the Tea Homeland of the World, Simao and has gone through thousand years' development and evolvement.

在新西兰达尼丁市,兴建一座名为“中国花园”的园林,以弘扬中国文化,寄托乡思。A garden named "Chinese Garden" will be built up in Dunedin, New Zealand in order to publicize the traditional Chinese culture and release the nostalgia of China.

而在这种乡思乡愁的背后,则是集体潜意识,乡愁意识、女性意识、生态意识在驱动。However, behind the homesickness are emotions driven by the collective sub- consciousness, the nostalgia consciousness, the feminine consciousness, and the ecological consciousness.

在物质家园的要求满足之后,精神怀乡的情结脱颖而出,留学生海外生涯的第二个层次中,其文学作品中表达的是绵绵不尽的乡思、乡恋、乡愁。After the demand for physical home has been met, the spiritual homesick grows out. In the second stratum of their overseas lives, their works express limitless memory and love of their home.