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你是付现还是刷卡?You pay in cash or card?

我们店可以刷卡。We can take credit cards.

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是用现金还是刷卡?Will all be cash or charge?

你是刷卡还是付现金?You pay credit card or pay cash?

刷卡则不收手续费。Brush card not to receive poundage.

当芯片卡刷卡必须要求插入卡。When chip card is swiped must ask to insert card.

带键盘的刷卡器。可指定安装类型。Card reader with keypad. Mount type can be specified.

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如果每日分两次上班者,每次均须刷卡。Workers should brush cards every time if work at twice.

在这些国家,商户通常要求使用ID卡刷卡。In these countries merchants therefore usually ask for ID.

此门需要刷卡或按下按钮后方能开启。Door can only be opened by swiping card or pressing button.

刷卡时,要先主动出示员工证,接受保安人员检查.。Show your work card to security guard before punching card.

快速登录使用员工或员工刷卡条码卡。Quick login using Employee Swipe Card or Employee Barcode Card.

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如果每日分两次上班者,每次均须刷卡。If divides two going to work every day, each time must brush the card.

还有可以刷卡看电视的手机。And mobile friends that can act as a credit card and television all-in-one.

刷卡购票者,需原购票人之信用卡。If purchasing the tickets with credit card, the credit card should show up.

当刷卡消费后,信用卡持卡人愿意付报酬给信用卡发行机构。When a purchase is made, the credit card user agrees to pay the card issuer.

现有一上锁车库出租,空间大,刷卡入门。Hurstville Park plaza, one big locked garage for rent, security card to entry.

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舞会的票能刷卡,大学的学费却刷不了。My card went through on the rave ticket but denied the college application fee.

不像花现钞,当你刷卡时你不会感觉象是在割肉。Unlike spending real cash, when you charge it to a card you don’t feel the burn.

人们可以用这种信用卡在加油站或者柜台刷卡结帐。These cards allow you to tap readers at gas stations pumps or check-out counters.