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在破晓时分的床上?In her bed at peep of day?

破晓你悄然离去。And at day break you leave.

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破晓时雨停了。The rain left off at daybreak.

我们在破晓时分袭击了敌人。We attacked the enemy at dawn.

黎明破晓-马来西亚东海岸。Crack of dawn. East cost Malasia.

破晓时他们再次突袭敌人。They recharged the enemy at dawn.

破晓时分鸟儿们的大合唱就更大声了。The chorus of dawn birds is louder.

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我们说完后,已是破晓时分了。After our talks, it was almost dawn.

我们出发时天刚破晓。The day was dawning when we set out.

仿佛破晓的阳光辐照山岭。As on a dawn-illumined mountain stood.

破晓之前是最黑暗的时刻。The darkest hwe is which ago the dawn.

我们出发时天刚破晓。They were waiting for the day to dawn.

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毫无疑问,这是一个黎明破晓的崭新时代。It is certainly a dawning of a new era.

他们于破晓前过了那座桥。They got across the bridge before dawn.

破晓时分,他们终于成功了。It was past dawn before they were ready.

天将破晓,他会被人发现站在台上。Morning would break, and find him there.

破晓时分,天空还没有太阳。Break of dawn, there's no sun up in the sky.

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然后破晓时分我们来到一个温暖的山谷。Then at dawn we came down to a temperate valley.

破晓,街灯,看起来像不像末日浩劫?Dawn, street light, does it look like the catalyst?

暴风雨之后,破晓时天朗气清。The morning dawned fresh and clear after the storm.