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条条大路通罗马!殊途同归!All roads lead to Rome!

条条道路通臩罗马。All roads lead to Rome.

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条条道路通罗马。/殊途同归。All roads lead to rome.

条条河水归大海。All rivers run to the sea.

条条大路通成功。All roads lead to success.

条条江河归大海。All rivers lead to the sea.

条条河水向下流入大海。All rivers run down to the sea.

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都说“条条大路通罗马”。They say all roads lead to Rome.

旗子被风吹成条条碎片。The flag was ribboned by the wind.

狗在家门前条条都凶悍。Every dog is valiant at his won door.

阳光使水面形成条条金色光栅。Sunlight streaks the water with gold.

条条河流归大海。All rivers in the end flow to the sea.

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所以,这正是--条条大路通罗马。So it’s true, all roads do lead to Rome.

在上海,条条大路通新天地。In Shanghai, all roads lead to Xintiandi.

我们也用泳池里的条条玩过平衡游戏。We’ve played balancing games with pool noodles, too.

成语“条条大路通罗马”,就是这个意思。Just as a popular saying goes all roads lead to Rome.

过去的就让他过去吧,别再想了,条条大路通罗马。Let bygones be bygones. Snap out of it, all roads lead to Rome.

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指甲表面出现条条不光滑是欠那些维生素呢?Does fingernail surface appear be to owe those vitamins glossily?

像冰山一样巨型浮冰块会从北冰洋向南漂浮下来横着阻挡住海船的条条航道。Icebergs float down from the Far North across the paths of ships.

我们有足够的理由相信条条大路通罗马。We have the enough reason to believe that all roads lead to Rome.