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你是怎么谈成那笔有利可图的交易的?。How did you negotiate the deal on the benefit?

每一项建议都必须经受这一条检验——有利可图。Subject every proposal to one test- profitability.

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定制别墅和重新改造证实了更加有利可图。Custom houses and remodels proved far more rewarding.

一旦善事有利可图诗,利益就对善事媚笑起来。Profit smiles on goodness when the good is profitable.

这两次出售行为对高盛来说都是非常有利可图。The disposals have been extremely profitable for Goldman.

我们决定让我们的小生意有利可图。We were determined to make our small business profitable.

中国大陆的通讯业将会很有利可图。China's telecommunications industry will be very lucrative.

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短期内,这可能是一项极为有利可图的业务。In the short-run, this may be a highly profitable business.

旧习难改,尤其有利可图的时候。Old habits die hard, especially when there's money to be made.

进行有安全保障和有利可图的长期投资是可能的。It is possible to invest securely and profitably for the long term.

几个弱智买了你的伟哥,让你的这一龌蹉行为变得有利可图。A few morons buy some viagra from you, making the initiative profitable.

哈兹姆和哈吉巴西姆明白这个军事基地是一个有利可图的市场。Ms. Hazime and Mr. Hajibrahim knew the base would be a lucrative market.

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只有贩毒、军火走私和洗钱比它更有利可图。Only drug dealing, gunrunning, and money laundering are more profitable.

不断上涨的黄金价格使得马德雷德迪奥斯的金矿开采业变得有利可图。Rising gold prices have made mining the metal lucrative for Madre de Dios.

但它仍在流行文化及作为一个有利可图的行业里坚持着。But it persists in popular culture as well as being a lucrative profession.

聚合是一种增加的立场,因为它变得有利可图。Pyramiding is a method for increasing a position, as it becomes profitable.

开始的时候,这是有利可图的交易,高回报,而且没有明显的风险。At first it was a lucrative deal with high returns and little apparent risk.

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这使得钻井取水花费巨大,供水合同更加有利可图。That has made water drilling more costly and water contracts more lucrative.

调查者表示因特网上的假证生意是有利可图的。Investigators say the sale of false identification on the Internet is lucrative.

希望总统大笔一挥,批准议案,就有利可图。They want the President to rubber-stamp the bill so they can take advantage of it.