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不要直接用手接触电容器正负极。Do not directly touch terminal by hand.

就此案例而言,是1995年6月,正负1.7年。In this case, June 1995, plus or minus 1.7 years.

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此项调查的误差区间为正负5个百分点。The survey's margin of error was plus or minus 5 percent.

误差区间为正负3个百分点。The margin of error was plus or minus 3 percentage points.

群体行为具有正负两方面的社会功能。Massive behavior has positive and negative social functions.

其正负误差的幅度为3个百分点。It had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

该调查的抽样误差为正负1.9个百分点。It has a sampling error of plus or minus 1.9 percentage points.

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将运算式的位元向右移,保留正负号。Shifts the bits of an expression to the right, maintaining sign.

整个TATB分子上面离子的净电荷是正负相间的。The ions in TATB are with positive and negative charges in turns.

试验结果显示的最大误差为正负9年。The results apear to be accurate to within plus or minus 9 years.

该项调查的抽样误差率在正负5个百分点之间。The survey's sampling error is plus or minus 5 percentage points.

试验结果显示的最大误差为正负9年。The results appear to be accurate to within plus or minus 9 years.

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它其实就是正负数的简单数字游戏。It's really a simple numbers game with negative and positive numbers.

引入了一种应用于TFT-LCD驱动芯片的内置正负倍压电荷泵结构。The charge pump has been successfully applied to a TFT-LCD driver IC.

整个TATB分子链什么的离子的净电荷是正负相间的。The ions in TATB chain are with positive and negative charges in turns.

调查结果的误差为正负3.2个百分点之间。The results had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.

要正确连接激光管的正负极。Must connect the laser tube correctly positively and negatively extremely.

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当l等于0的时候,m也等于,是正负1/2,and,s,is,plus,or,minus,one-half,所以这里可以有两个电子。When l equals zero, again, m is zero s so I can pick up two electrons here.

调查的对象为美国的4478名全职职员,整体调查结果的误差率为正负1.46个百分点。The overall results have a margin of error of plus or minus 1.46 percentage points.

凡事都存在正负二个方面,可谓物极必反,就是所谓的辩证。There are always two sides to a coin, which is the essence of dialectical thinking.