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摒除所有杂念一分钟。Stop all your thoughts for a minute.

摒除种族的偏见,他是对的。The ethnic slag aside, he was right.

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开始摒除死亡主义世界观。Start unlearning fatalist world views.

契合空性,摒除自我执着,才有自在逍遥的人生。Put away self-center, then you'll have happy life.

我将永远从我理想中摒除谬误。I shall ever try to keep all untruths out from my thoughts.

但是这些并不能摒除对这两个新成员资格的怀疑。This is not to dismiss doubts over the readiness of the two newcomers.

摒除不耐、气恼、紧张和琐碎。Its possession eliminates impatience, anger, nervousness and restlessness.

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很多建筑师把自然看作一种难以驾驭的力量,千方百计地把它摒除掉。Many architects saw nature as an unruly force to be excluded at all costs.

摒除杂念,将你自己投入到你在做的事情中。Flow. Eliminate distractions, and really pour yourself into whatever you’re doing.

雷长长的呼了一口气让自己平静下来并且摒除杂念。Ray takes a long breath to calm himself down and exclude the idea out of his mind.

专注于团结众人之事及摒除分化的言语和行动。Focus on bringing people together and eliminating divisiveness in speech and action.

当你态度严谨,学习自然就专注了,一些杂念就会摒除于心外。Your serious attitude makes you devote to study. Some distracting thoughts are deserted.

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所以我开始了摒除一切杂念的学习——待在家里,不使用电器和电话。And so I study in complete immersion—staying in a home without electricity or a telephone.

而没有独处,是不可能听到自己思想的声音,也不可能摒除你生活中的杂音。You can’t hear your thoughts, your voice, without solitude. Remove the noise in your life as well.

如果你有个艰难的开局,并让疑问悄悄侵蚀你的目标,认清目标,摒除疑问,并坚定地向前进。If you have a slip up and start to let those doubts creep in, recognize it, alter it, and move forward.

所以我开始了摒除一切杂念的学习——待在家里,不使用电器和电话。From my na’au, my gut. And so I study in complete immersion—staying in a home without electricity or a telephone.

它同样通过新的途径,摒除了现有的经常使用的解决方案遇到的问题。It also appears to dismiss existing, oft-used solutions to the problems encountered in favour of newer approaches.

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这种“噪音”混杂在你的心声中,所以必须把它摒除。The noise gets in the way of your voice, so pare it down, trimming the noise from the bush until you’re left with truth.

短时间内我们不可能完全摒除垃圾邮件,与此同时,垃圾邮件发送者也在寻找除了电邮之外的送达方法。We won’t be rid of spam anytime soon, and these days of course spam also finds its way into other delivery methods than email.

这一提法意图尽力摒除解庄者个人因素的制约,影响广泛,是庄学史上的一大进步。It's a great progress in the history of study in "Zhuang-zi" that trying to exclude those individual factors and it works well.