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节制是仙丹妙药。Temperance is the Best physic.

嫦娥慌乱中服下了所有的仙丹。In her panic, Chang`e drank it all up.

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你给我的每一天仙丹。You give me pearls of wisdom every day.

是在这充满压力的世界中最妙的仙丹。It is the best remedy in a world of stress.

在中国神话里,太上老君专职修炼仙丹。In Chinese Mythology, Laojun was in charge of alchemy.

他给了后羿一些能使他长生不老的仙丹。Houyi some magic pills that could make him live forever.

不巧地是,后羿突然返回家中,意外撞见妻子手拿仙丹的情景。Unfortunately, he came back unexpectedly and surprised her holding the elixir.

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当他外出狩猎的时候,他把仙丹放在一个盒子里并且叮嘱嫦娥不要打开它。He kept the elixir in a box while he went hunting and told his wife not to open it.

食物纤维素被吹捧成最新的万灵仙丹,既可减轻体重,又有益健康。Dietary fibre is tout as the latest cure-all , cuts down weight and promotes good health.

胎盘提取物被我们东方人看作一种仙丹已经盛行了几个世纪了。Placenta extracts are very popular among us Orientals for centuries as an Elixir of life.

本药虽非仙丹妙药,但您试用以后,定能得到意想不到的效果。Though it is not an elixir, this drug will give you an unexpected effect after you try it.

调理品的话可以试试那个来自长白山野生雌林蛙的蛤仙丹蛤蟆油!Conditioning products that come from, then you can try the Clam Wild elixir female frog Rana oil!

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尽管如另一条评论所指出,SOA绝非太上老君的仙丹,也绝不该被当作一样Although as another comment points out, SOA is not a global panacea and should not be treated as one

天赐健康资源,爱心传播四海。仙丹扫除贫病,壮志得畴豪迈!Heaven-sent health resources, the dissemination of universal love. Panacea to eradicate poverty, a domain heroic ambition!

因为您总是正确的,您的确是一个伟大的药物学家,您用来医治我儿子的那种仙丹几乎是立刻就把他救活了过来。FOR you must indeed be a great chemist, and the elixir you administered to my son, which recalled him to life almost instantaneously.

我有一个梦想,将那些浓痰变成仙丹吧!这样凡它于口中的人便不会吐出,反而会欣喜地咽下!I have a dream, the sputum into immortality! So where it in the mouth of the people would not spit, but will be delighted to swallow!

像许多其它的抗衰老制药公司一样葛兰素史克一直在寻找能返老还童的圣药。现在他们信誓旦旦地宣称自己找到了永保青春的不老仙丹。Like many aging pharmaceutical companies, GlaxoSmithKline has been looking for rejuvenation. Now it thinks it might have literally found the elixir of youth.

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生活型态疾病的预防、治疗、缓解,一向没什么仙丹妙药可用,胰岛素的发现只能算例外,而且这种例外十分罕见。With few exceptions , such as the discovery of insulin , " magic bullets " have played a minor role in the prevention , cure and palliation of lifestyle diseases.

这真像仙丹从天而降,使人有趣的想起了比尔·盖茨或你所能提起的百万富翁们都不能比我这一夜睡得更满意,更完美。It was like a pill from heaven, interesting to think that Bill Gates or any other millionaire you can mention couldn't have had a more satisfying, fulfilling night of sleep.

与美联储主席本·伯南克,财政部长蒂莫西·盖特纳一样,我并不认为“国有化”是救命稻草,更不会是还魂仙丹。Like Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, and Timothy Geithner, the Treasury secretary, I am not convinced that nationalization is the only, or even the best, way out.