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这也是广告粗放经营的典型表现。It's the typical extravagant advertising management.

促进整个经济由粗放经营向集约经营转变。To bring about a change from extensive to intensive management of the economy as a whole.

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由“粗放经营”向“集约经营”转化是世界农业发展的客观规律。It is the world agriculture development direction to convert extensive farming to intensive farming.

我国银行卡业务发展已经从粗放经营步入到资源整合的关键阶段。The business of the domestic bank card has developed from extensive management to the key phase of resource neatened.

自农村土地允许流转以来,农村出现了土地稀缺、大量抛荒和粗放经营并存的现象。Since rural land transfer was permitted, land scarcity has coexisted with massive land waste and inefficient land operation.

本文对集约经营与粗放经营杨树人工林分的叶面积垂直分布及其季节动态变化进行了对比研究。The vertical distribution and seasonal change of leaf are a were studied in intensive and extensive culture poplar plantations.

我国水产养殖业快速增长的历程,正是从粗放经营向集约经营转变的过程。The history of rapid increase in aquaculture industry in our country is just the transition process from extensive to intensive management.

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降低成本主要是依靠自己,特别是依靠出口企业从过去的粗放经营向集约化经营转变。In this regard, we will chiefly rely on transforming the management of export-oriented enterprises from an extensive to an intensive pattern.

在农林利用的试验区中,粗放经营的试验区的钾素流失量大于水土保持综合性农林措施的试验区。K loss in an extensive farming catchment was higher than that of catchment in which comprehensive measurements for conservation were practiced.

人们急功近利、粗放经营,不惜以牺牲环境为代价,是导致我国近岸海域环境污染的根本原因。People eager for quick success and instant benefit and work extensively, and spare no expense of environment, which is thought as the essential cause of pollution.

当前国内券商的研究还处于粗放经营阶段,面临着进一步提高研究水平和改善研究成果利用效率的紧迫任务。The research work of domestic securities company is really rough at present. The research level and the utilization efficiency of research results need improvement urgently.

由于过去一直沿用粗放经营“高能耗、高物耗”为特征的传统发展模式,在氮肥生产过程中造成了严重的环境污染。The traditional developing model of "highly consuming of energy and resource" leads to the environment be polluted seriously in the process of the nitrogen fertilizer production.

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通过对山东纺织工业发展历史及现状的分析,认为其发展总体上仍处于粗放经营状态。On the basis of the analysis of the historical and current situation of Shandong textile industry, the authors hold that the industry is still under extensive management in general.

随着家庭承包责任制的制度创新绩效逐渐减弱,以及农村青壮年劳动力的大量转移,农村出现了因土地粗放经营造成土地生产率下降的现象。With the performance of household contract system losing gradually and the mobility of prime rural labors, there's a phenomenon that the productivity of cultivation becomes inefficient.

在微观上,各石油企业也正按照现代企业制度的要求,实行从粗放经营型战略向集约经营型战略的转变。While in the micro, according to the modern enterprise system' s requisition, the petroleum enterprises are carrying out the shift strategy from extensive operation to intensive operation.