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谢绝参观。Inspection declined.

你去参观那座庙宇了吗?Did you see the Temple?

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每小时只有5-6人参观。About 5-6 people per hour.

但这和去博物馆参观相差太多了。But it's definitely a lot,

全天参观寒泉小学。Day at Cold Spring School.

我们可以参观安平古堡。We can visit An-Ping Fort.

让我们参观一下花园吧。Show us the garden, please.

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所以你可以去参观一下。So you go on a tour of that.

我们参观了冰雨峡谷。We visited to Bingyu Valley.

我能够安排在下个礼拜参观。I can set up a twe near week.

我的爱,谢绝参观。I love, not open to visitors.

“家伙”带着我简单参观了一下。The Guy gave me a quick tour.

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最后请大家参观竹园。Finally we visited the Bamboo.

让我带你们参观一下宿迁好吗?。Let me show you around Suqian.

通常他们都是在几周后去参观的。Usually they wait a few weeks.

今天弗恩参观了很多商店。Vern visits many stores today.

我强烈建议参观一下。I definitely recommend a visit.

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今天我们参观了红星农场。Today we visited Red Star Farm.

我将要去参观南浦大桥。I'm going to visit Nanpu Bridge.

这是一个十分适宜孩子参观的博物馆。It’s a very kid-friendly museum.