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他勉勉强强能写自己的名字。He can scarcely write his name.

她还清醒,虽然勉勉强强。She was still conscious, barely.

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他勉勉强强地给了她钱。He gave her the money reluctantly.

匆匆忙忙,终于在规定的时间里,刚好勉勉强强完成。Hastily, I barely finished it on time.

这种花叶有时候勉勉强强可见。The mosaic is sometimes scarcely visible.

我勉勉强强地穿上带兜帽的防雨外套和沉重的黑雨靴,全副武装。Reluctantly I gear up in a hooded rainproof coat and heavy black boots.

短时间内,我可以靠减少的收入勉勉强强度日,但不能维持长久。I can scrape along on a reduced income for a short time, but not for ever.

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她靠父母的津贴勉勉强强地在大学里度过了三年。She spent three years at college, scraping along on an allowance from her parents.

丹尼错过了整个的六年级,七年级也基本上没上,仅能勉勉强强地阅读书报。Danny had missed the entire sixth grade and most of seventh. He barely knew how to read.

透明度作为传统已经勉勉强强地存在了过去的一个世纪。Transparency in the traditional ranks has scarcely existed for most of the past century.

她靠父母的津贴勉勉强强地在文科大学里度过了三年。She spent three years at the liberal arts college, scraping along on an allowance from her parents.

然而,我不能让这个黄金机会就这么溜走了,所以我勉勉强强的去参加了面试。Yet, I knew I couldn't let this golden opportunity slip away, so I reluctantly showed up for the interview.

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在一个摄影旅程中它勉勉强强算个敌人,但是,一旦你回到家中你会发现它已经是一个伟大的朋友。It can be a bit of an enemy on a photo trip, but once returned home it is found to have been a great friend!

我给姐姐说我要发作文,姐姐才勉勉强强把电脑让给我,但我们现在还没有说过一句话!I give my sister said I want to send a composition, the computer can only sister to me, but we haven't said a word!

牛津大学已经开始了一个法律财务的双硕士课程,课程勉勉强强只有有九个月,费用却高达21000英镑。Oxfordhas initiated a joint Master's course in law and finance, crammed into nine months and costing a hefty 21,000 pounds.

人人都知道,相比目前勉勉强强的次中量级梅威瑟,我大大推崇130磅版本的他。And everybody knows that I was A LOT higher on the 130-pound version of Mayweather than the reluctant welterweight we're stuck with today.

因为这一点,我差不多避免了任何潜在的同龄人之间的性压力,我不会轻易勉勉强强就做自己不舒服的事。By this point, I’m pretty much immune to any potential sexual peer pressure, and won’t easily give into doing anything I’m uncomfortable with.

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迪克西,我的随护,尽她可能升高了轮椅的靠背,勉勉强强把我和她自己费劲地塞入了电梯。Dixie, my attendant, raised the back of my wheelchair as high as she could and just barely managed to wrestle me and herself into the elevator.

但上校们的作为往往要街道上人们的大力呼喊之下才下得了决心,看上去勉勉强强,给人们不好的印象,仿佛他们骨子里还是希望走专权主义的老路似的。But the generals have often acted only when prompted by shouting from the street, and then grudgingly, leaving the impression that their instincts remain stubbornly autocratic.