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架设排排座椅。Set the benches up.

架设自动化构建。Setup automated builds.

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您呼呼作声架设对前更长。You whish erections to last longer.

代表团支援队成员正在架设营帐。Contingent Support Team was setting up the tents.

或者他只是在隔音场里架设摄像机?Or was he just setting up a camera on a soundstage?

她们将手术台架设在一座小庙里。They set up an operating tcapable in a tiny temple.

士兵们在河面架设了一座浮桥。The soldiers threw a floating bridge across the river.

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架设这个框架只需几分钟。The erection of this framework took only a few minutes.

那两个城市之间架设了一条新的电报线。A new telegraph line has been set up between the two cities.

而在那些山谷间,朝着深处去,也必然有小桥架设着。And in the depth of the valley, there must be a small bridge.

五年后,他们架设了19,000公里的电报线。Five years later, 19,000 kilometers of lines had been strung.

也就是架设一般所谓的电子商务网站。Also is erects the common so-called electronic commerce website.

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天线的架设、撤收自动完成,快速、安全、隐蔽。The erection and withdrawal auto-complete fast, safely and snugly.

随着建筑物的升高,升降机需要接高时,按此规定架设。With the building's ascending, erect when the lift need to join height.

组装,架设和拆除棚架,索具和起重设备。Assemble, erect and dismantle scaffolds, rigging and hoisting equipment.

本文所预期的结果符合架设于海岸的高频地波雷达的实际环境。The resulting predictions in this paper are more accurate and realistic.

角色材质,场景材质,架设灯光。The role material quality, the scene material quality, erects the light.

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尼泊尔一家公司在圣母峰附近区域架设了无线3G网路。A company from Nepal has set up a wireless 3G network in the area around Mt.

活动式床垫,可容许医师用手架插入,架设容易。Activities of mattresses, may allow physicians hand-inserted, set up easily.

在地下埋设电缆造成的损失是空中架设的40倍。This creates losses 40 times higher in a buried cable than in an aerial one.