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它们都属于内力。That's all internal forces.

我们称为内力。We call them internal forces.

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我们称之为内力。We call these internal forces.

而所有的内力,你可以忽略它。And all the internal forces you can forget about it.

系统内力不计,无论发生了什么。Internal forces don't matter no matter what happens.

况且我只用内力改变了自己的脉象罢了。I just used my Kungfu to change my pulse only, no big deal.

奇迹就是,所有内力相互抵消。The miracle is that all these internal forces eat each other up.

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当它们碰撞,你们必然相信,有内力存在。When they collide, you better believe it that there are internal forces.

根据排架柱内力计算结果,采用植筋锚固技术对错位钢筋进行处理,取得了良好效果。We adopt planting reinforcing steel bars to deal with it and the effect is ideal.

第三,每个动作中的内力运用到剑身的部位要清楚。Thirdly, well-knowing the inner energy has been exert on the sword for every form.

其中如何在基坑开挖过程中获得围护墙的实际弯矩,成为评判围护墙内力安全状态的关键。And the key process is how to obtain the real bending moment of the retaining wall.

合力是最终的总和,外力与所有内力总和。The net force is ultimately the sum of the external force and all the internal forces.

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“尊严”创始人米内力拒绝在周日公决前对此给以评论。The founder of Dignitas, Ludwig Minelli, has refused to comment ahead of Sunday's vote.

研究了竖向高度对超长结构温度内力的影响。The temperature effects of super-length building under the vertical height are researched.

介绍了圆弧梁在均布荷载作用下的内力计算和配筋计算。This paper introduces the calculating method of flexural beams subjected to uniform loads.

给出了加固后滑坡体安全系数计算和抗滑桩内力计算的流程图。The flow charts calculating the safety factors and the stresses of passive piles are given.

定力是指事物性质具有不可动摇的内力。The maintaining power means that the property of an object has an unshakeable internal power.

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本方法可供实际设计计算基础梁内力时,考虑地基对梁端约束作用时参考应用。The present method can be used to analyze the beam stress in design of foundation engineering.

设计时,可保守地按简支板进行搭板的内力计算。It can be conservative by simply supported plate slab calculation of internal forces in design.

随筏基厚度的增加,筏基中的内力增加很大。However, the forces in the raft are varied significantly with the varying of the raft thickness.