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他时常在外面过夜。He spends the night out.

你要我们在那里过夜吗?I'm here for the sleepover.

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我们这是在一间马棚里过夜。We are in a barn for the night.

在维吉尼亚古老的李斯堡过夜很好。It left England to go to Virginia.

羊被关在栏中过夜。The sheep are folded for the night.

士兵们在谷仓里打铺过夜。The soldiers bedded down in a barn.

麦兰达不久前还来我家过夜。Recently Maranda came to sleep over.

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那天晚上乔为我们提供了一个房间过夜。Joe afforded us a room for the night.

你应该去邦德家过夜。You should spend the night at Boners.

我在为人照看房子呢,去那儿过夜。I'm house-sitting, go there for night.

杜松子在伏特加里浸过夜。Infuse juniper in the vodka overnight.

将小段菜杆拌盐过夜。Blend the segments with salt overnight.

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木卫四睡在森林中过夜。Callisto slept in the forest all night.

今晚他留在一个大旅店里过夜。He stayed in a caravans① for the night.

我们在林子里扎营过夜。We encamped in the woods for the night.

乔尔的一个朋友到家里过夜。Joel has a friend round for a sleepover.

他们中途在爱丁堡停留过夜。They stopped off overnight in Edinburgh.

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我们今晚要在奶奶家过夜。We will sleep over at Grandma's tonight.

你知道你的狗在哪过夜。You know where your dog sleeps everyday.

首3天当面膜停留过夜。For first 3 days leave overnight as mask.