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可是我不能让时光倒转。But, I can't turn back time.

现实中存在着古怪的角色倒转。There is a curious role reversal.

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也许这就是时间,突然倒转。Maybe this is time, suddenly returning.

每隔一个块倒转块的位顺序。Reverse the bit order of alternate blocks.

那一日他将枪口倒转指向本身。That day, he turned his gunpoint to himself.

在右车道有一只倒转的雕齿兽。We get an overturned glyptodont in the far right lane.

一些被称作倒转的购买合同的业务操作。Those operations are called reverse repurchase agreements.

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蛋糕出炉后即倒转,待冷切开两层留后用。Remove from oven and let cool. Then slice cake into 2 layers.

战局倒转了,入侵者被击退。The war situation was inverted and the invaders were defeated.

我们认为使历史时针倒转是不可能的。E. g. We don't think it possible to set back the clock of history.

事实上这是一种中国古代道家养生术内倒转河车,返老还童之方法。Actually it is a way of reviviscence by ancient Chinese Dow hermits.

后来,在希腊跟罗马时期,这种优位才倒转过来。Later, in the Hellenistic and Greco-Roman periods, this is reversed.

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地球上最后一次地磁倒转大约是78万年前。The last geomagnetic reversal for Earth was about 780,000 years ago.

但有的人能够倒转方向,有的不能,这又该有怎样的解释呢?But are there any other explanations of who can reverse the spinning?

轻轻一倒转,又重新把记忆编码顺排下去。The counting-down memories can be likened to a upside-down hourglass.

今天,一个“倒转票”的拷贝出售都是集邮界的大事。When a copy is offered for sale, it is a major event in the stamp world.

违反潮流,倒转去寻求和洽,往往比进行战争更为棘手。A harmony established contrary to sense is often more onerous than a war.

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他按了一下按钮,让机器倒转。He pressed the button and reversed the direction of movement of the machine.

地球的磁场、极光、磁偏角和地磁极倒转。Magnetic field, auroras , magnetic declination and magnetic field reversals.

牙形石的三个繁盛期与古地磁极性倒转有关。Three prosperous periods of conodont have relation to Palaeomagnetism Reversal.