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后来,他又以楷书写了一遍。Later, he was written with regular script again.

汉隶是篆字和楷书的过渡。Han script is a transitional form from seal to regular script.

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然而宋代楷书,却不能与晋唐楷书同日而语了。However, the regular script then couldn't match that of Jin and Tang Dynasty.

楷书是中国书法艺术长河中一颗灿烂的明星和绚丽的奇葩。Regular script is a splendid star and an exquisite work in Chinese calligraphy history.

楷书,其笔画肃静严厉不断沿用至今,被视为规范字体而为世人所喜欢。Kaishu, graceful strokes has been in use ever since, as a standard font for the world love.

传统的中国书法有篆体、隶书、楷书、草书。The seal, clerical, regular and cursive scripts are all used in the Chinese calligraphic tradition.

请以正楷书写,商业登记申请书将会邮寄至此地址。Please print your address, as the business registration application forms will be sent to this address.

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隶书上承篆书遗脉,下开楷书之源,更能体现中国书法的变形与夸张。Li script can embody the deformation and exaggeration of Chinese calligraphy better than any other script.

书体涉及了隶术、楷书、行书、草书、大字和小字等内容。Book body involved scribe surgery, regular script, running script, cursive, characters, and small print and so on.

通俗楷书的发展过程就是通俗隶书的衰亡过程。The development process of the demotic Regular script was in another word the declining process of the demotic Clerical script.

行书是一种介于草书与楷书之间的字体,没有楷书那么整齐,也没有草书那么难以辨认。Running is a cross between a cursive font with regular script, no regular script between neat, no cursive so as beyond recognition.

有识之士呼吁应重视传统字体,尤其楷书书法及雕版印刷字体。Some experts are calling for more attention on the traditional character typeface especially Kaishu and the Woodblockprint typeface.

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这一部分从文字学的角度,分析了楷书中钩的表现形态、意义和作用。This part of the study from the perspective of the text analyzes the performance of regular script in hook shape, meaning and function.

但是刚刚学书法的人一般都是从楷书学起,因为楷书是所有书法的基础。But people who have just learned how to write calligraphy mostly use regular script to learn because it's the foundation of calligraphy.

同时你还将学到中国历史上主要的书法风格,练习则以楷书和欧阳体为主。最后交上一份楷书习作作为课程总结。During the 6 sessions, we will study the different styles of calligraphy in Chinese history, and practice making our own calligraphy work.

请确实填写报名表格,以下资料将使用于日后所有相关宣传活动〈请以正楷书写〉。Please fill in this entry form fully and legibly. The information provided will be used for TAITRA, website and other publicity materials.

书法界以为,此碑的价值就在于它是由隶书发展成楷书进程中的有名石刻之一。Calligraphy that the monument's value is that it is developed into a regular script from the official script during one of the famous stone.

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通俗楷书从通俗隶书内部衍生出来,并迅速发展,成为日常书写的主要书体。The demotic Regular script originally derived from the demotic Clerical script, and then replaced the latter to be the major font of daily writing.

学习楷书应遵循历代书坛大师总结的经典法则和具体方法,可以收到事半功倍的效果。The learners should follow the classical principles summarized by great calligraphers of all ages in order to make more progress with fewer efforts.

宋代“经义取士”的科举制度,降低了对楷书的要求,进而影响人们学习楷书的态度。Standards of selecting the outstanding varied from handwriting to logic and reduced the demand of regular script, making people change their attitude.